What type of chart is the best to use when you are trying to compare parts of a whole?
A pie chart.
What is a synonym to "to increase"? Tip: multiple answers are possible. (Only one needed)
To rise, to grow or to go up.
Introduce a pie chart using a full sentence that includes the word "shows".
For example: This pie chart shows that this is a large category.
Summarise a line graph with a full sentence using "From ... we can see that".
For example: From the line graph we can see that the trend is going downwards.
What type of graph would you use to measure the height of a tree throughout the years?
A line graph.
What types of charts are used to make a process visual?
A flow chart.
What is a synonym to "to decrease"? Tip: multiple answers are possible. (Only one needed)
To fall, to drop, to decline or to dip.
Introduce a column chart using a full sentence that uses the word "to compare".
Summarise any graph using "Overall, there is ...".
For example: "Overall, there is an increase in the number of people that have used our products."
What chart would you use to compare 2 bar charts?
A column chart.
What type of chart is best used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time? Hint: these are best used when the changes are larger.
A bar chart.
What is a synonym to the word "suddenly"? Tip: it also starts with the letter "s".
Introduce a flow chart using a full sentence that uses "provides information about".
For example: This flow chart provides information about this new process.
Summarise any graph using a full sentence that uses "Generally, there is ...".
For example: "Generally, there is a dip in people that use our products."
True or false: Area charts and line graphs can be used to track changes over time for one or more groups.
What type of charts are useful for comparisons between items?
A column chart.
What is a synonym to the word "gradually"?
Introduce a line graph using a full sentence that uses "gives information on".
For example: This line graph gives information on the temperature in September.
Summarise a column chart using a full sentence with "Overall, the column chart shows that there has been ...".
For example: The column chart shows that there has been a decrease in category 2.
True or false: When larger changes exist, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs.
False, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs when smaller changes exist.
What type of charts are very similar to line graphs? Tip: they can be used to track changes over time for one or more groups.
An area chart.
What is a synonym to the word "to vary"?
To fluctuate.
Introduce a column chart using a full sentence that uses the word "to illustrate".
For example: This column chart illustrates that category 1 is on the rise.
Summarise any graph using any phrase that we saw in class.
For example: From the flow chart we can see that this new process is quite simple.
What makes a flow chart different from the other charts that we saw in class?
They do not represent data.