what caused the taxing
the war between french and indian
What caused the shootout over the gurade
The colinest started hitting him and poking him and it cause a shoot out
what did king gorgie the 3rd aggre to
meeting again to declar indapendece
how many german soilders did britin hire
30,000 of them
How old is mrs.slone
what was something they taxed
tea bags
who had the amunition stored
john adams and samul adams
what did great britin name there army
the continental army
how many iroquois indiands fought with the british
What dose mrs.grifith teach
how decided to tax the colonists
the leader of great britin
what happend with the tea crisis
it got wores
what did the congress decided to try again on
reslve the promblems they had
when did gorgie washinington and his troops cross the icey delwar river touwds new jersy
december 25th
what is braylons nick name
jeff jeff/ jaffrey
why did the colinists have a reason to be angry
the british was taxing them when they did nothing
what act did the british pass in 1774
how many colines are they
what time is our play time
did the colinest ever get taxed again
no they diid't because they broke free from britin.
Where was massachuchits mortar law places
the british
how many copies of the paper was made
over 200 thousend
who was the british general
john burgoyne
what time is our specils