You’re at the mall when a stranger offers you free headphones, but they ask you for personal information first. How do you feel?
Confused, nervous, skeptical
Your friend let you borrow his new headphones but you accidentally break them. How do you feel?
Sad, upset, scared
Nicole got cold feet when it got to her turn to ride the rollercoaster.
a. To be excited
b. To feel sick
c. To be nervous
c. To be nervous
I hope my hours of studying hard will pay off in the long run!
a. Soon
b. In the future
c. Now
b. In the future
a. Thankfulb. Helpless
c. Comfortable
c. Comfortable
You have to go to the radio station on Tuesday, but you realize you don’t have a ride there. How do you feel?
Worried, anxious, stressed
You’re at a restaurant when you accidentally spill water on your lap. How do you feel?
Annoyed, angry, embarassed
I've been stuck inside my house for so long I feel like I'm in a fog.
a. Feeling healthy
b. Feeling confused.
c. Feeling excited.
b. Feeling confused
Traffic was moving at a snail's pace so I arrived 45 minutes late for work.
a. At a normal speed
b. Very slowly
c. Very fast
b. Very slowly
a. Thoughtfulb. Brave
c. Proud
b. Brave
You are eating lunch at Genesis when you stain your shirt. How do you feel?
Annoyed, angry, embarrassed
You’re at the store when a stranger compliments your new sneakers, how do you feel?
Happy, excited, nervous
I was feeling on edge right before taking my big exam.
a. Confused
b. Tired
c. Tense
c. Tense
I think I'm going to try to take a catnap before dinner.
a. A long sleep
b. A long rest
c. A short sleep
c. A short sleep
a. Admiredb. Loving
c. Hopeful
a. Admired
You are buying ice cream and the cashier tells you you're the 100th customer and your ice cream is free. How do you feel?
Happy, excited, surprised
Your friend asks you to watch a scary movie with him, but you don’t like to watch scary movies. How do you feel?
Worried, nervous, scared
I was on my way home from work when out of the blue, a deer ran in front of my car.
a. Expectedly
b. On schedule
c. With no warning
c. With no warning
I made an extra effort to watch the news today, so I was in the loop with what was going on in the world.
a. To be aware of information
b. To not be aware of information
c. To be left out
a. To be aware of information
a. Relaxed
b. Stressed
c. Nervous
b. Stressed
You were excited to try the new sandwich on the menu at the diner, but the diner ran out of one ingredient and you can’t order it. How do you feel?
Annoyed, sad, confused
You’re on a walk and you see a wallet on the ground. The wallet is full of money and cards. What can you do?
Look at the name and address on the ID card and return it to the owner.
The race was neck and neck, I couldn't stand to watch!
a. Very close
b. Too far
c. Boring
a. Very close
After a long and hard workout, I could eat a horse!
a. To be tired
b. To be full
c. To be very hungry
c. To be very hungry
a. Excited
b. Thankful
c. Loving
b. Thankful