Got Milk?
Geographic Terms
In the Kitchen
Famous Pairs

This is the milk with the least amount of fat

What is skim milk? 


This is a body of water in the middle of a desert

What is oasis? 

The Sahara Desert has around 90 oases. 


When someone earns a living, they are said to bring home this port product

What is bacon? 

The popular expression is "bring home the bacon" 



Who is David? 


This is a term for 10 years

What is a decade? 

A century is 10 decades and a millennium is 10 centuries 


This dairy product can be churned into butter but it is most often used as a whipped topping on dessert

What is cream? 

It's slightly yellow, like the color named fo rit. Cream from pastured cows can have a more distinct yellow hue, which is derived from carotenoid pigments found in the plants they eat


This is the equivalent of states in Canada

What are provinces? 

Canada also has three territories, which are under more direct control of the federal government than the provinces are.


Nat King Cole sings the tune "[This Person's] in the Kitchen with Dinah" 

Who is someone? 

The tune goes: 

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah, Someone's in the kitchen I know, Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah, Strumming on the old banjo 


Dr. Watson

Who is Sherlock Holmes? 


These are the rules in the Old Testament

What are the Ten Commandments? 


This dairy product is one part cream and one part milk

What is half-and-half? 

It is one-third to one-half the fat content of cream, depending on what type of milk is used 

These are engineered waterways that can carry ships and barges

What are canals? 

Canals can be used to create city networks, such as in Venice, Italy. They can also be created to link different waterways together. The Panama Canal was built to shorten the trip between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 


This is a baker's dozen

What is 13?

The phrase originates in Medieval English when bakers gave their customers 13 loaves of bread when they ordered a dozen so they wouldn't be accused of shortchanging their customers


!!! Double Jeopardy !!!

Horse - from the Frank Sinatra tune "Love and Marriage" 

What is carriage? 

The words go: 

Love and marriage, love and marriage, Go together like a horse and carriage 

Blackjack is this card and a 10

What is ace? 

A blackjack can also be any face card and an ace



If you don't have this type of milk on hand, you can add a little vinegar or lemon juice to regular milk to make a pretty good replacement

What is buttermilk?

It's often used in baked goods. The slight acidity reacts with baking soda, creating fluffier baked goods. 


This is a high point of land that extends into the ocean. Also a name for an article of clothing.

What is cape? 


Gossip is heard through this plant in the vineyard

What is grapevine? 



Who is Simon?

The duo split in 1970 to each pursue solo careers as performers


Ten is the number of players on the court in this major league sport

What is basketball? 

There are five members of each team on the court during play. 


This type of milk has 60 percent of the water removed

What is evaporated? 

It has a shelf life of 15 months and can be watered down and used in place of regular milk if you run out 


Physical coordinates are where latitude (vertical) lines and this horizontal line meet

What is longitude? 

For example, Lydnens coordinates are 48.9428 degrees North and 122.4529 degrees West 


We warn people not to spill these dry goods when we tell them a secret 

What are beans? 

The phrase originated in Greece where black and white beans were used in voting, were the outcome had to be unanimous. If the counter spilled the beans and one bean of the other color was spotted, voting was halted 



Who is Mindy? 

The late 1970s show Mork and Mindy stars Robin Williams and Pam Dawber. Mork is an alien from the planet Ork. 


These two sets of human digits come in tens

What are fingers and toes? 
