What is the order of cellular organization from least to most complex in multicellular organisms
What is cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
balancing on one foot is a __________ ________
What is a learned behavior?
How are the muscular and digestive systems alike?
What is they both help you digest food?
The ecosystem that has varying levels of salt, is a partially enclosed body of water, and is found near the ocean and the mouth of a river.
What is an estuary?
The way that the digestive and circulatory systems are similar in function.
What s they both help maintain water levels.
The basic unit of life?
What is a cell?
Detached earlobes are an ____________ ___________
What is an inherited characteristic?
The body system that includes the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
What is the digestive system?
The ecosystem that would most likely have the greatest amount of damage from a lightning strike.
What is the grasslands
The way that decomposers help ecosystems.
What is return nutrients to the soil to support producers.
The organism that is made up of more than one cell
What is multicellular?
Sam has green eyes, brown hair, freckles, and plays piano. Which characteristic did Sam learn from his father?
What is playing the piano?
The body system where the lungs belong.
What is the respiratory system.
The most abundant organisms in a food web.
What are producers?
The inherited trait that would most likely protect a white snow rabbit from its predators.
What is fur color?
the name that cells are also referred to ______ _______ ________ _____ _______
What are the building blocks of life?
Susan has dimples. Why will her newborn baby brother most likely have dimples?
What is her parents have dimples?
The major body system that provides the framework and support that the muscular system works to move.
What is the skeletal system?
a fox, a fern, a cricket, a mushroom: which would be found at the end of a food chain
What is a fox?
The mouth, esophagus, stomach and liver are part of this body system.
What is the digestive system?
cells , tissues, __________, organ system , organism
What is an organ?
Drawing, eye color, widow's peak, attached earlobes: which is learned from parents?
What is drawing
The main function of the ribcage.
What is to protect the heart and lungs?
algae, shrimp, shark and oysters are ll part of an ocean ecosystem. The role of the shark
What is consumer or apex predator?
The body systems that are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the body.
What are respiratory and muscular?