Teacher Feedback
Hodge Podge
Best Practice

CICO stands for

What is Check-In/Check-Out


It is best practice to give student feedback at the end of the day? 

What is false.

Best practice is to give student feedback after every subject. 


What expectations are CICO helping to target? 

What is our schoolwide expectations of Safe, Respectful, and Responsible. 


It is best practice to keep the ROAR card in a tucked away place where you can access it at the end of the day only?  

What is FALSE.

Best practice is to keep the ROAR card in a place that will signal you to meet with the student ideally after every subject.  


CICO is an intervention in what Tier? 

What is Tier 2

CICO is our main Tier 2 behavioral intervention 


Teacher feedback should be lengthy?

What is false.

Teacher feedback should be brief, specific, corrective if necessary, and supportive. 


What is the most important feature of CICO? 

What is YOU the teacher and the positive, specific, and constructive(if necessary) frequent feedback after every subject.


The ROAR card is the best place to give lengthy information about the student's day? 

What is FALSE.

The ROAR card is meant to be positive and quick. If you need to give more information about specific events of a student's day, best practice is to call or email. 


I need to take a student to an SST meeting before I can request CICO? 

What is FALSE. 

CICO can be initiated by filling out the CICO form. A student does NOT to have an SST prior to CICO.  


Who is responsible for initiating the feedback session? 

What is the teacher. 

The teacher is responsible for initiating the feedback session after every subject.  


The feedback session with the student should be done in a private setting.

What is TRUE.

Feedback should be given private way if possible especially if corrective features are addressed.  


Parent permission is needed before CICO can start? 

What is true.

CICO is a Tier 2 Intervention that does require parent permission. In the initial letter sent out by the CICO Coordinator, a permission slip is embedded.    


Where can I find the CICO request form? 

What is on the MJ Staff website under the SEL tab.


Role play the following

Your student demonstrated safe, respectful, and responsible behavior during reading.

Look Fors

-Complimented and encouraged the student

-Names specific behaviors seen


Name at least two types of behavior CICO is suitable to target? 

What are...

Tardy, Defiant, Refuses to do work, Difficulty taking turns, Refuses to share, Out of seat, Disruptive, Talks out, Unprepared, Talks back to teacher, Uses inappropriate language, Peer conflict.


Best practice is to tailor the ROAR card to meet your student's specific needs? 

What is FALSE.

Since CICO is a Tier 2 Intervention, the ROAR card is standard for all to be easy and efficient. Tailoring a ROAR card beyond whole school expectations is considered a more intense intervention. 


CICO is implemented for how many weeks?

What is 8 weeks.

CICO an 8 week intervention. After the 8 weeks, if a student is not meeting the exit criteria another round or layer of support can be added.  


Role play the following..

During math, your student was safe, told a peer they could not join the group, and only completed a portion of  the task. Please role play the teacher feedback session with the student.  

Look for

-Acknowledged safe behavior (hands and feet to self, etc.) (student earned a 2)

-Pointed out excluding a peer is not respectful and did not complete the entire task, not responsible. Student earned 1's 

-Pointed out ways student could earn full points during next subject


Name at least 2 things CICO provides students

What are..

  • clear expectations

  • direct instruction 

  • pro-social skills

  • high frequency progress-monitoring  

  • specific feedback in a positive and constructive manner 

  • connection to another adult in the building

  • home-school connection 


Your student had a difficult time completing her writing today and was disrupting her peers during independent work time. Please role play the teacher feedback session using best practices. 

What is 

Look fors

-What the student did well

-Specifics about the undesirable behavior presented in a kind and constructive way as well as how the student can improve the behavior.  

-Done is a private way
