What is the most popular sport around the world?
It´s soccer /football
What´s the pronunciation of this food?
it was practiced in the class.
Answer the next question: How often do you study English?
Answer involves ant frequency adverb : always, usually......once a week, twice a month.
Which of the following sports does not use a ball? Golf, tennis, hockey, or polo?
Three dairy products
milk, cheese, yogurt.
The difference of any and some with one example:
any used in negative and questions and on the otheer hand some is only for positive sentences
How many stones does each team have?
Each team has eight stones.
Two fruits were mentioned on pag No 52
bananas and apples
tell me the question for the next answer:
She plays tennis with her sister
Who does Luisa play tennis with?
Two sports you need a helmet
They´re baseball and Footabll
Vegetables group and the Meat and protein group that were mentioned on page No 52
carrots, lettuce, onions
beef, chicken, salmon
Make an invitation: Use one of the three phrases we have learned
You can use: Let´s....
Would you like.....
What about ......