What stunt is executed correctly when the flyer jumps into the bases' interlocked hands and is thrown several feet into the air?
Basket toss
Teri Hatcher was once a cheerleader for which NFC West team?
San Francisco 49ers
Where does NCA hold their National College Cheerleading Championship?
Daytona Beach, Florida
What stunt is executed correctly when the flyer has both legs locked and the bases' arms are fully extended about their head.
What is the motion called when both arms are bent at the elbow, with fists facing each other?
Broken T
What are stunts that have only one leg supporting and the other by your knee?
Which contestants from the 2009 "Amazing Race" were former Miami Dolphins cheerleaders?
Jaime & Cara
ow many people high may highschool or highschool-level all-star squads build?
2 people high
What was the very first pom pom made out of?
What was the very first pom pom made out of?
In what jump does the cheerleader try to touch her toes out in front of her body?
What is the stunt called when the flyer is standing on one leg, and holding the other leg bent with one arm?
Tiffany Fallon was Playboy Playmate of the Year in 2005. Which NFC West team was she a cheerleader for?
Atlanta Falcons
For high school and junior high teams, when is a triple base extended straddle lift legal?
It is legal with a back spotter.
Which contestants from the 2009 "Amazing Race" were former Miami Dolphins cheerleaders?
Jaime & Cara
What is the most important tip for a flyer to remember?
stay tight
What stunt is correctly executed when the flyer has one leg completely extended above her head and her head is below her hips? She should be grasping the bases wrists and keeping herself perfectly straightened.
Who invented the herkie?
A prep consists of how many people?
What was the first professional football cheerleading team to do stunts?
Baltimore Ravens
What is another name for a straddle jump?
Toe- touch
What stunt is the sweep used to dismount from?
What is the person called who is on the top of stunts?
What magazine can cheerleaders subscribe to for facts and tips on cheerleading?
American Cheerleader
What does NCA stand for?
National Cheerleaders Association
What is it called when the flyer (top person), is up in the air with her leg directly in front of her and one arm across her chest?
bow and arrow