This patron saint of children and sailors might not have flying reindeer, but his heart of gold made sure he went down in history
St. Nicholas
Although their size and shape has evolved over the centuries, the pagans, Romans, and Egyptians all shared traditions of brining greenery inside to symbolize new life and prosperity.
Christmas Tree
A depression era tradition to teach children the importance of gratitude during hardship, just remember to leave some for Santa
Milk and cookies
I'll be home for Christmas, just make sure you have these three things
Snow, mistletoe, presents under the tree
The color of the lone ornament that Charlie Brown places on his tree
"T'was the Night before Christmas" was the first time these little helpers appeared in Christmas lore
Frigg, the Norse goddess of love, declared this plant a symbol of love after the resurrection of her slain son Baulder and vowed to kiss all of those who passed beneath it
Traditionally known as "Posset", this warmed milk based ale was often drank with eggs and figs
This Christmas jingle was originally written for Thanksgiving
Jingle Bells
In Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys, the elf Hermey wishes to be this instead
A dentist
This pagan legend is no handsome devil, and his arrival makes coal in your stocking feel like a reward
This fruitful plant was adopted by the Christian faith as a symbol of Jesus's crown of thorns and the blood of Christ
Mommy's adulterous behavior lead the Roman Catholic Church to condemn this melody
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
In Elf, what animal does Buddy try to hug?
Possibly evolving from Thor's chariot that was said to be pulled by magical goats
The town of Taxco De Alacron, Mexico is who we have to thank for these "Flowers of the Holy Night"
1670's choir children were given these sugary sticks to keep quiet with during holiday ceremonies depicting the birth of Christ
Candy Canes
This song was written in 1945 during a heatwave in Hollywood
Let it snow
How many ghosts are in "A Christmas Carol"
Past, present, future, and Jacob Marley
This old Englishman is considered a representation of the coming spring, dating back to the Victorian era
Father Christmas
Its defiantly not on top of the tree, but it can be found in mulled wine
Star Anise
Curated with candied fruits, nuts, and spices before being soaked in rum this dessert is served during weddings and holidays
Birds of a feather flock together, and apparently make really great gifts. How many birds were gifted according to the "12 Days of Christmas"?
What is the name of the dog in "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation"?