Sugar on Me
This fluffy stuff is produced when colored sugar is poured into a spinning head and collected on a stick
Cotton Candy
As seen on the California State Flag
California Grizzly Bear
Seen in the movie "Cars", this highway runs from Chicago to Los Angeles
Route 66
This piece is the most powerful in chess
Most commonly seen in the culinary masterpiece, Kraft Singles
This sweet treat is the most popular candy bar is the United States
As seen on the Wyoming state Flag. Go NVW.
This summer month is the most popular for travel, with 42% of Americans planning trips then.
Take a trip to this tile, the most expensive property in traditional Monopoly.
Thanks to our love of pizza, this is the most popular cheese in the United States
This candy is formed by allowing a supersaturated solution of sugar and water to crystallize onto a surface suitable for crystal nucleation, such as a string, stick, or plain granulated sugar
Rock Candy
These two animals are seen on the Michigan State Flag
Elk and Moose
Although it doesn't even crack the top 10 best selling, this brand of RV is known for its sleek aluminum design, durability, and high resale value
Along with Z, this letter is worth the most in Scrabble, scoring 10 points.
This state produces more than two and a half billion pounds of cheese a year
Also the name of a 1999 film, this spherical hard candy comes in sizes ranging from a marble to a baseball
This sea bird is seen on the Louisiana state flag
Taking 322 hours and spanning 13,600 miles, the longest drivable distance in the world is from Khasan, Russia to this southern-most city in South Africa
Cape Town
The maker of games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Sorry, this company is the largest maker of board games
People who are lactose intolerant can typically still enjoy hard cheeses like this type, often sold grated. Say "When."
Reaching 42 million metric tons a year, this country produces the most sugar in the world
This farm animal is seen on the Delaware State Flag
With over 750,000 sold in 2023, this is the most popular vehicle in the United States.
Ford F-Series
The famous holes or eyes in cheeses like swiss are the result of this gas made by bacteria in the cheese, forming little air pockets as the cheese hardens
Carbon Dioxide