How old is the process of cheesemaking?
Where did cheese initially come from?
The Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)
What are the 2 types of bacteria used?
Mesophilic / Thermophilic
Where are cheese ripened?
Cheese Cellar
Where did cheese begin to become mass produced?
The Roman Empire
Where is rennet found? (Be Specific)
Stomach linings of young mammals
What are the 4 steps in cheesemaking?
1. Acidification / Curdling
2. Curds and Whey
3. Salting / Shaping
4. Ripening
When was rennet discovered?
c. 5000 BCE
What important book did Robert Hooke write about micro-organisms?
Micrographia was written in 1665
Why can't vegan cheese replicate the natural cheese made with milk?
Casein molecules form casein micelles, which improve crystallization and cannot be found otherwise.
How are archeologists capable of tracking ancient farmers?
Pottery Shards left behind with butter / cheese
What structures does casein form?
Casein forms casein micelles
Where did bacterial culture initially come from?
Skin flake, animal, walls
When did cheese become a maritime commodity?
c. 1200 BCE
What enzyme in rennet curdles cheese?
Rennet is typically used for its aerobic mesophilic bacteria.