Watery part of milk that separates from curd during cheesemaking process
What is Whey?
Added bacteria eats lactic acid and in turn produces CO2 causing the hole appearance of this white cheese
What is Swiss?
In order to make one pound of cheese, a person would need ______ pound(s) of milk
What is 10?
An enzyme that is added to aid in the formation of curds.
What is Rennet?
Mozzarella is most traditionally made from this animal
What is Water Buffalo?
Principal protein in milk
What is Casein?
Known for its pungent smell, this cheese is known as the smelliest cheese in the world
What is Limburger?
The number of cheese varieties made in Wisconsin
What is 600?
A bacteria added to assist in coagulation of milk to cheese
What is a Starter Culture?
An alternative source of rennet that is plant based
What is Seaweed?
Piles of small curds are knit together and cut into slabs
What is Cheddaring?
Made from whey, this cheese has a crumbly, curd like appearance with many versatile uses in cooking/baking
What is Ricotta?
The percent of milk that ends up as the by-product, whey
What is 90?
Salt is added during the cheesemaking process to take away moisture, enhance flavor and ___________
What is slow down acid development?
Manchego, Roquefort and Pecornio are all made from this alternative animal milk source
What is a Sheep?
Culture containing the microorganisms and enzymes needed to begin cheese making
What is a Starter?
A bacteria rind encases this cheese, with a pale and creamy appearance
What is Brie?
The number of cheese plants in the world that produce Limburger cheese
What is one?
This material is used throughout the cheesemaking process because it is easy to clean, can withstand changing temperature and will last a long time.
What is Stainless Steel?
These four areas are used to evaluate cheese by cheese graders
What is Flavor, Body/Texture, Finish/Appearance and Color?
Animal rennet sourced from the fourth stomach of young ruminant animals
What is Chymosin?
In German this cheese is known as "Fresh Curd" and is known for its creamy, spreadable texture
What is Quark?
In 2015, Wisconsin outranked several countries in production by producing an astounding _________ million pounds of cheese
What is 3,406?
Milk is pasteurized at _______ degrees for sixteen seconds and then dropped down to ______ degrees?
What is 162 and 88 degrees?
The purpose of adding citric acid during our mozzarella lab was to accomplish this purpose
What is increase the process of coagulation?