What is responsible for heat?
The vibrating of molecules
A liter is equivalent to what in meters?
A cubic meter
What type of mixture would water and copper be?
1 Food calorie equals how many "real" calories?
the study of the (i)
composition, (ii) structure,
(iii) properties, and (iv)
reactions of matter
Truly "0" is described in what units?
What are the two classifications of a pure substance?
Elements or compounds
What are some exact equalities that you know?
They vary, mention days to hours, years to days, etc.
What is the equation and units for density?
d=m/v, d(g/mL), m(g), v(mL)
How many mL are in 20 liters?
20,000 mL
Define change of state versus change of shape.
A change of state has to be going from a gas to a solid or liquid or vice versa, a change of shape is the same state of matter in a different configuration physically.
What is sublimation?
A solid changes directly to a gas
What is 0.0000000567843 in scientific notation?
5.67843 *10^-8
What does giga represent?
At what temperature does water freeze, IN ALL UNITS?
What is an example of deposition?
When water vapor changes directly to a solid when directly placed onto a cold surface.
What is 657,000,347 in scientific notation?
If 1kg = 2.2 pounds, how many kg is 276 lbs?
125.5 kg
Compare the arrangement of particles in each state of matter
Solids, fixed very close
Liquids, random close
Gases, random far apart
What is the correct SI unit for energy?
Joules (J)