"Over The Rainbow"
The Wizard Of Oz
Data compiled by Rhodium Group says if cows were a country, they'd be the world's 6th-largest emitter of this greenhouse gas
In 2 Samuel, Nathan confronted this king about his adultery
Einstein formed 2 theories of relativity: general relativity & this one
the special
Jan, Cindy, Greg, Bobby & don't forget Oliver
The Brady Bunch
"Lose Yourself"
8 Mile
He wrote that in 1666 "I procured me a triangular glass-prisme, to try therewith the... phenomena of colours"
Double Jeopardy!
Sir Isaac Newton
Micah says of this town, "Though thou be little... out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel"
In chemistry, it's the decomposition of organic matter; in physics, it's radioactive disintegration
Lily, Manny, Alex, Haley, Luke
Modern Family
"When You Wish Upon A Star"
These insects, Bombyx mori, like to munch on mulberry leaves
Haggai encouraged people to get busy with this construction task & that they would be rewarded with abundance
building the (second) temple in Jerusalem
From the Greek for "heat" & "power", it's the branch of physics dealing with the flow of heat & energy
Double Jeopardy!
Lucas, Dustin, Will, Eleven
Stranger Things
"Aquarius" (1979)
These subatomic particles come in 6 flavors & interact by means of the strong force
Ezekiel accompanied the Hebrews during their exile here & prophesied their return to Israel
After you safely drop an object off a building, when the downward force of gravity equals the upward force of air resistance, the falling object reaches a maximum speed, known by this two-word term
terminal velocity
Mika, Lizzie, Sophia, Carl
The Walking Dead
"Puttin' On The Ritz"
Young Frankenstein
It's defined as the sum of all chemical reactions that take place in each cell & provide energy for activities
He doesn't get his own book, but does get to triumph over the false prophets when the Lord accepts his sacrifice
Ci is the symbol of this unit of radioactivity named for a victim of it
Arnold, Sam, Kimberly, Willis
Diff'rent Strokes