The name of this equation: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
What is the Gibbs Free Energy Equation?
This law describes diffusion in a stationary medium.
The rate law r=kCA2 represents a reaction of this order.
What is second order?
This type of control system adjusts the process based on current conditions, rather than waiting for an error to occur.
What is feedforward control?
AIChE formed the center for chemical process safety in this year.
What is 1985?
This cycle represents the maximum efficiency of a heat engine.
What is the Carnot Cycle?
The two main forms of mass transfer are diffusion and this.
This is a main assumption of a PFR.
What is no axial mixing?
The full name of a PID controller.
What is a proportional-integral-derivative controller?
Considered the "father of chemical engineering."
Ideal gases do not have this, while real gases do.
This type of heat transfer occurs during direct contact between two solids.
What is conduction?
This is the average amount of time reactants spend in a continuous reactor.
What is the residence time?
Represented by Kp and τ (tau) in process controls.
What are the process gain and time constant?
The first four-year chemical engineering curriculum was developed here.
The temperature at which a liquid produces the first bubble of vapor.
What is the bubble point?
This is the name of force per unit area exerted by a fluid in motion.
What is shear stress?
This type of reaction follows stoichiometry.
What is an elementary reaction?
The value the process is trying to maintain.
What is the setpoint?
This Chinese president has a degree in chemical engineering.
Who is Xi Jinping?
This dimensionless number represents the ratio of a real gas's effective pressure to its actual pressure.
What is the fugacity coefficient?
This dimensionless number represents the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer.
What is the Nusselt Number?
This value determines whether a catalyzed reaction is more diffusion-limited or reaction-limited.
What is the Thiele Modulus?
A Laplace-domain function that represents the response of a process control system.
What is a transfer function?
This scientist is regarded as the "father of monoclonal antibodies."
Who is César Milstein?