Sulfurous Acid
Draw the lewis structure of PO43-.
1. How many sigma bonds?
2. How many pi bonds?
3. Bond order of all the bonds?
1. 4 sigmas
2. 1 pi
3 first order bonds and 1 second order bond
Put the intermolecular forces in order from weakest to strongest
LDFs, Dipole - dipole, Hydrogen Bonding
Sulfur trioxide
Draw a lewis structure of N2?
1. Polar or Non-polar
2. What intermolecular forces are there in this molecule?
3. What is the bond order of the molecule?
1. Non-polar
2. LDFs
3. 3rd order bond
True/False: The stronger the force, the:
a. higher the mp, bp, viscosity, and surface tension
Draw a lewis structure of XeF4.
1. How many sigma bonds?
2. How many pi bonds?
3. What electron geometry does it have?
4. Bonus - 100 pts. What molecular geometry does it have.
1. 4
2. 0
3. octahedral
4. square planar
Which of these following would have the highest boiling point?
I2, H2S, H2O
I2 weakest because non-polar - only LDFs
H2S - 2nd weakest, polar but does not have a hydrogen bond
H2O - polar with hydrogen bonds - strongest bond - highest boiling point
dichlorine heptaoxide
Draw the lewis structure for hypochlorous acid.
1. Is it polar or non-polar?
2. What is the hybridization?
3. What is the steric number?
4. What is the electron geometry?
5. Bonus: molecular geometry? 100 pts
1. Polar
2. sp3
3. 4
4. tetrahedral
5. bent
hydrophosphoric acid
Draw a lewis structure of nitric acid
1. Is it polar or non-polar
2. what are the intermolecular forces associated with it?
3. Electron geometry?
1. Polar (all acids are polar)
2. Hydrogen bonding, Dipole - dipole, and LDFs
3. trigonal planar