Knowledge of chemical reactions
Characteristics of Reactions
Uses of Chemical Reactions
Lab Skills
Safety Practices

Why does José Andrés deserve 5 out of 5?

Because although he didnt get a 100 on his magazine, he later checked why and learned about the things he was missing. He even went with the teacher and asked her if she could maybe up her grade by little since he has a cleaer understanding of the concepts.


Why does José Andrés deserve 4 out of 5?

José Andrés showed in both his magazine and in his space lab game that he knows and can describe the characteristics of the different chemical reactions. Although he cant give you many examples of them, he clearly understands the difference between them and can describe the characteristics of them.


Why does José Andrés deserve 5 out of 5?

Because José Andrés can explain multiple reaction types and their uses, as he showed in his lab report #3. Eventhough he didnt get the full 100 marks, it wasnt because he couldnt provide examples for the reactions. The reason behind his grade was that he mistakenly forgot to put the energy diagrams, not that he couldnt explain the reactions.


Why does José Andrés deserve a 4 out of 5?

Because José Andrés sometimes requires guidance in the lab. He showed this when him and his team were doing a lab procedure. In that lab procedure he understaded what he was doing but he forgot about one of the steps and got confused. Based on his behaviour in the lab he doesnt deserve the full marks so he deserves a 4 out of five.


Why does José Andrés deserve 4 out of 5?

Because José Andrés is usually very cautious when handling chemicals in labs but ocassionally he isnt. An example of this is when he smelled one of the chemicals. In that moment he didnt understand the danger that he was in. José Andrés now knows that what he did was extremley dumb and dangerous, that why he doesnt deserve the full 5 marks, because he decided to get his face close to the chemicals and smell them. BUT, since this was only one time, he deserves 4 out of 5.
