Chemical Reactions
Physical Changes
Reactants & Products
Atoms & Molecules
Physical & Chemical Properties

What type of Chemical Reaction, did we observe in the pancake lab?

What is Cooking?


If salt dissolves in water, it is a Physical change. True or False?

What is True?


Define reactant

A substance that enters into and is altered in the course of a chemical reaction.(what makes a chemical reactio)


Define Atom

1 : a tiny particle

2 : the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of the element and can exist either alone or in combination. 

3 : the atom considered as a source of vast potential energy.


Color is an example of a ____ Property.

What is a Physical Property?


Define Chemical Reaction.

What is “A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances, also called reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, known as products. Substances are either chemical elements or compounds” ?


Color is a Physical Property, but is an unexpected color change a Physical change?



Define product

The result of a chemical Reaction.


What does the Law of Conservation of Matter state?

That no atoms can be created of destroying to make a new substance, they can only be rearanged into new molecular structure.


Flammability is an example of a ____ Property 🔥

What is a Chemical Property?


Give an example of a Chemical Reaction

Answers may vary

(Ask Mrs. Schnake)


Define Physical change.

Physical change is a type of change where the physical properties of matter change. A change of state of matter, change in color, odor, solubility, etc. all are examples of physical change. During a physical change, neither the composition nor the chemical nature of matter is changed.


In a chemical reaction, the REACTANTS are shown to be on what side?

What is LEFT ?


CO2, is a chemical formula, what substance does it sand for, and how many of each atom are there. example (H2O): the substance is Water. There are 2 Hydrogen atoms, and 1 Oxygen atom.

The substance is Carbon dioxide. There is 1 Carbon atom, and 2 Oxygen atoms.


Solubility is an example of a _____ Property.

What is a Physical Property?


In our Brownie lab, the main goal was to experiment with how heat affects the cooking of a brownie.

True or False

What is False?


How is a Physical Change different from a Chemical Reaction?

 In a physical change the appearance or form of the matter changes but the kind of matter in the substance does not. However in a chemical change, the kind of matter changes and at least one new substance with new properties is formed.

Physical changes are those in which the shape, size, or state of the matter changes, but the substance is still essentially the same. For example, chopping up a carrot or ice melting into water are both physical changes. Chemical changes are those where one or more substances are combined to produce a new substance.

The chemical formula for water is H2O, this , means that there are two Hydrogen atoms, and one Oxygen atom, this is represented on the products side. What molecules, and how many of each are there on the reactants side?

What is two Hydrogen, and one Oxygen?


What is the difference between a molecule, and a compound?


A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. A compound is a substance which is formed by two or more different types of elements which are united chemically in a fixed proportion. All molecules are not compounds. All compounds are molecules.


List 5 Physical Properties.


Color, Hardness, Boiling Point, Melting Point, Density,  Solubility, etc…


What is the difference between a chemical process and a physical process in chemistry?

In a physical change the appearance or form of the matter changes but the kind of matter in the substance does not. However in a chemical change, the kind of matter changes and at least one new substance with new properties is formed.


List two examples of Physical changes

Examples of physical changes: boiling water, breaking a glass, melting an ice cube, freezing water, mixing sand and water, crumpling of paper, and melting a sugar cube.


C6H12O6 + H2O →C6H14O7

How many molecules are on the product side?

What is 27 ?


What is the difference between a mixture and a Solution?

In a mixture, substances are generally just mixed and are not completely dissolved. In a solution, substances are dissolved completely and they cannot be filtered out. The mixture comprises two or three compounds that aren't fused chemically. They have no physical interactions, but they are both still Physical changes.


List 5 Chemical properties.


flammability, Odor, Acidity, Temperature, Reactivity, Toxicity, etc…
