Elements and Compounds
States of Matter
Temperature Conversions
Specific Heat

A pure substance is ....

What is a substance that consists of matter with a composition that is fixed in definite proportions at all times?


Running steaks through a meat grinder to make hamburger would be an example of this kind of change.

What is a physical change?


Absolute zero in degrees Celsius would be this.

What is -273 degrees Celsius? (rounded to the nearest whole number.)


The energy associated with the movement of particles in a substance is called this.

What is heat?


The specific heat of something is the amount of energy needed to  raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by this much.

What is 1 degree Celsius?


Compounds can be broken down into their constituent elements by these.

What are chemical processes?


lighting a candle would be an example of this kind of change.

What is a chemical change?


83 degrees F would be this on the
Celsius scale.

What is 28 degrees?


Hadee has a rubber band stretched out between two fingers. One finger is closer to her and the other is pointed at someone. With respect to the rubber band, we are dealing with this kind of energy.

What is potential energy?


The specific heat of iron is 0.450 J/g C.  To raise the temperature of 35.0 grams of iron from 25 degrees C to 35 degrees C would require this many Joules.

What is 160 J?


A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that ...

What is that it has a uniform composition throughout?


One of the properties of solids is that their particles behave in this way.

What is that they have fixed positions and stay close together?


Fred is running a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius.  In degrees Fahrenheit this would be...

What is 104 degrees?


5000 calories constitute this many Calories.

What is 5?


The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g C.  The number of kilojoules needed to raise the temperature of 125g of water from 20. to 95 degrees C is this.

What is 39 kJ?


A heterogenous mixture has this characteristic.

What is that it does not have a uniform composition throughout?


A characteristic property of liquids is that they always do this with respect to their container.

What is change shape to fit their container?


Megan goes outside in December and checks her thermometer.  It reads 14 degrees F.  In degrees Kelvin this would be...

What is 263 degrees K?


A calorie will raise the temperature of 0.1g of water by this much.

What is 10 degrees Celsius?


A 2.5g sample of french fries  is placed in a calorimeter with 500.0 g of water at an initial temperature of 21 degrees C.  After combustion the temperature is 48 degrees C.  State the energy of the fries in kilojoules/g.

What is 23 kJ/g?


Solutions are always these kind of mixtures.

What are homogeneous mixtures?


If a substance changes its volume to fill its container then it must be this.

What is a gas?


The year is 2035 and Jake is visiting Elon Musk's new settlement on Mars to decide whether he'd like to emigrate. He steps off of his shuttle into a balmy day of 255 degrees Kelvin. In degrees Fahrenheit this temperature would read...

What is 0 degrees? (rounded to the nearest whole number)


3600 calories is equal to this many kilojoules.

What is 15?


A serving of fish contains 4.0 g of fat and 50. g protein. If the caloric value of protein is 4 kcal/g and fat is 9 kcal/g, then the number of kilocalories in the serving are this. Round the answer to the tens place.

What is 240 kcal?
