Nobel Prizes
Elements and the Periodic Table
PC Facts
Professor at PC

This person is the first person to win two Nobel Prizes in two different disciplines and was labeled the greatest woman scientist.

Who is Marie Curie?


This piece of glassware is perfect for getting a rough volume of a liquid. Though not the most accurate tool for measuring volume, your lab drawer likely has a 100 mL, 200 mL, 400 mL, 600 mL and even a 1 L variety of this piece of glassware.

What is a beaker?


The periodic table was arranged with the elements in order of this property.

What is atomic mass?


Introduced first in 1971, this four-semester multidisciplinary course, that every student at PC loves to hate, has stood the test of time.

What is Development of Western Civilization?


This professor's research lab joined RI C-AIM (Coastal Ecology Assessment Innovation and Modeling) project in 2017.

Who is Dr. Breen?


The 1993 Nobel Prize was awarded to Kary Mullis, who while tripping on acid came up with the principle for this process that amplifies DNA.

What is PCR?


The name of moment when the indicator changes color in a titration.

What is the endpoint?


These two elements are liquid at room temperature.

What are bromine and mercury?


Starting in 1942, this dorm housed the Army Specialized Training Unit for Basic Engineers until civilian students returned in 1945.

What is Aquinas Hall?


This professor recently been tenured and will be teaching General Organic Biochemistry at the Nursing School.

Who is Dr. Ryder?


The 2020 Nobel Prize made headlines for being the first Nobel Prize to be awarded to two women, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuella Charpentier for this gene editing technology.

What is CRISPR?


The title of the document that everyone has to sign before beginning work in a lab.

What is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?


This element is the most recently discovered element to date.

What is Tennessine?


Many of the buildings on lower campus, excluding the newer construction projects many of the buildings were built prior to 1910 and were a part of the Providence City Hospital to Treat Infectious Diseases. This building is partially comprised of the building that once held the psychiatric ward of the hospital.

What is Ryan?


This professor is commonly referred to as the king of PyMOL.

Who is Dr. Stack?


The very first Nobel Prize was awarded to 1901 to Jacobus van't Hoff for his discovery relating to these fields.

What are chemical equilibrium, chemical reactions and osmotic pressure?


This type of curve has absorbance on one axis and concentration on the other.

What is Beer's Law?


This is the most expensive element on the periodic table going for $1 billion per gram.

What is $1 billion per gram?


This global event delayed the founding of PC by preventing the acquisition of the charter from the Vatican.

What is World War I?


This professor objectively has the best mustache out of the PC Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty.

Who is Dr. Overly?


Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist, created the Nobel Prize after seeing people 'misuse' this item, Nobel's most famous invention.

What is dynamite?


The National Fire Protection Association dictates that Right to Know Labels or "hazard diamonds" by placed at the entrance of every lab. These designate the danger posed by the chemicals inside and are divided into four different colored quadrants to emphasize safety. Name one color and what it represents.

Blue- health

white- special hazards

red- flammability

yellow- instability


The inventor of the periodic table is also largely responsible for the mass production of this fairly popular beverage.

What is vodka?


Basketball persists as a large part of our culture at Providence College, however games at the AMP (then the Providence Civic Center) began in this year with PC beating Fairfield 93-57.

What is 1973?


This professor spent quarantine in 2020 writing a textbook that is available on Libratexts and procured new model kits for student use.

Who is Dr. Mulcahy?
