Small mountain streams may have low, acidic, pH values due to this obvious source.
What is organic matter from forests?
Causes stream impairment on both the North and West branches of the Susquehanna due to Carboniferous age bedrock.
What is Acid Mine Drainage?
This causes changes in pH in the Susquehanna River on a daily basis.
What is photosynthesis?
This is principle branch of the Susquehanna River.
What is the North Branch?
Most forested subbasin in the Susquehanna River drainage basin.
What is the West Branch?
The most abundant dissolved ion in the Susquehanna River is derived from this natural process.
What is the dissolution of Limestone?
Fe and these two other metals often cause Acid Mine Drainage.
What are Aluminum and Manganese?
Winter and spring floods commonly cause these 2 chemicals to enter stream systems in abundance.
What are Phosphorous and Nitrogen?
Name of the largest of 6 subbasins in the Susquehanna Drainage Basin.
What is the West Branch?
The most populated (and polluted) Subbasin in the Susquehanna River drainage area is ....
What is the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin?
The time of year when pH and DO of the Susquehanna River is lowest.
What are the summer months?
The best explanation for high amounts of sodium sodium in stream systems like the Susquehanna River.
What is pollution by road salt?
A type of organism that excretes a CaCO3 skeleton from dissolved ions in stream water is...
What are mussels?
Subbasin that receives the greatest amount of precipitation in the Susquehanna River drainage basin.
What is the Lower Susquehanna River?
Changes in river gradient prompted this type of land use throughout the river basin, but mostly so on the West Branch and Lower Susquehanna River subbains.
What is the generation of power or installation of hydroelectric dams?
Zone of reduction where macroinvertebrate feces creates zone of reduction.
What are pore spaces?
The coolest branch of the Susquehanna River is the...
What is West Branch?
These 2 phenomena result in dissolved oxygen being added to the river on a daily basis.daily.
What is photosynthesis and the mixing of the river by the wind?
The river branch with the highest specific conductivity is
What is the West Branch (200-800)?
The Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin has its greatest land use in...
What is agriculture?
The name of the orange mineral precipitate that coats streams influenced by acid mine drainage.
What is ferric oxyhydroxide?
The lowest pH recorded on the Susquehanna ranges between...., creating a deadzone along the West Branch.
What is 3.9-4.4
The cyclic phenomena that provides the greatest nutrients for benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) occurs due to...
What is the falling of leaves or autumn?
The Susquehanna tributary that adds greatest glacial sediment input that is not a major branch of the river...
What is the Chemung River?
With so many rivertowns along the banks of the Susquehanna and increased effects of global warming, this source of chemical pollution has become increasingly toxic and common.
What is storm run off?