Balancing and Valencing Equations
Scientific Notation and Metric System Conversion
Significant Figures and Stoichiometry
Molar Mass to Compounds and Mole Concept
Empirical and Molecular Formula
What must you always do first when valencing equations?
Put a line where the yield is
What does scientific notation do?
It is used to express large and small numbers.
In one mile how many yards and feet are there?
In one mile there are 1760 years and 5280 feet.
What are the three conversion for moles?
Moles to Particles, Moles to Grams, and Grams to Particles.
What can not be broken down any further, empirical or molecular formula?
Empirical Forumla
What does balancing an equation do?
Makes the coefficients whole numbers.
What are the rules for Multiplication, Divisions and Addition and Subtraction?
For multiplication you must multiply the coefficients and add the exponents. For division you divide the coefficients and then subtract the exponent from the denominator from the exponent in the numerator. For Addition and Subtraction you make sure the decimals line up and and look at the exponents to see if they are the same or different.
If there is a decimal point which side of the equation do you start from?
The left side.
What is percent composition and how is it solved?
It is the percent of element found in a molecule. In order to solve and find it multiply the molar mass of element/total molar mass of compound then multiply it by 100
What is emperical formula used for?
Used to make compounds be expressed in the smallest possible whole number ratio.
What must you do when you put a coefficient in front of an element?
You have to multiply the coefficients and subscripts together.
In the stair step method what are the 7 measurements in order?
Kilom, Hecta, Deka, Base, Deci, Centi and Milli
What is the basic unit of length?
The yard.
How can you determine a molar mass of an element?
By using its atomic mass.
What are the two things you must know when doing emperical formula?
Molecular and Emperical formula can be identical at times and you can get the molecular formula by doing a whole number factor.
Solve the problem KClO3 -> KCl + 02
K 2 - K2 Cl 2 - Cl 2 0 6 - 06 2KCl03 -> 2KCl + 302
What are the scientific measurements?
Qualitative gives you the results in a descriptive number and Quantitative gives you the result in a numeric form.
What is the tricked used to determine sig figs?
Atlantic -> The decimal it is Absence so you go to the left. Pacific -> The decimal is Present you go to the right.
What is a mole and what is its number?
It is a unit of measurement of small quantities. The number for it is 6.02 x 10 ^23
What mus you always assume when doing emperical formula?
That there is 100 gram of the sample/
Solve the problem N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3
N 2 - N 2 H6 - H6
In Metric System conversions what does the base stand for?
It stands for liters, meters and grams.
What is needed to step up to do a conversion and how do you do it?
A t-chart and if the number is across your multiply but if it is at the bottom you divided from the first number
Who is the creator of the mole?
Amadeo Avogrado.
What formula is used to find out hydrates of water?
Molecular formula is used.