Education Trivia
Famous Disney Quotes
Orange Things
Rhymes with Chegg
From Rachel's iPhone

This famous polymath painted the Mona Lisa.

Who is Leonard DaVinci?


Frozone from this Disney movie famously asks, "Honey, where is my super suit?"

What is The Incredibles?


Shaquille O'Neil currently holds the record for "most unsuccessful free throws in a game" in this sport.

What is basketball?

Fact: On Dec 8, 2000, the Los Angeles Lakers played the Seattle Superhawks, where Shaq attempted 11 unsuccessful free throws.


This appendage contains the largest bone in the human body.

What is the leg?


The following image is an example of this type of joke, which "exploits the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings."

What is a pun?


The scientific study of plants is referred to as this word.

What is botany?

This 2002 Disney classic produced the quote "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind."

What is Lilo and Stitch?


This fruit from the Rutaceae family, when juiced, contains once of the highest concentrations of vitamin C of any fruit.

What is an orange?

Fact: Most modern oranges are a hybrid of pomelos and mandarins. 


Unlike most mammals, which give birth to live young, the platypus procreates using this organic vessel. 

What is an egg?


This particular type of scientific chart, demonstrated in the example below, shows the logical relationship between sets.

What is a Venn diagram?


This fruit is the only one with its seeds on the outside.

What is a strawberry?


The young hero from this Disney movie sings that he "just can't wait to be king."

What is The Lion King?


Finding Nemo, the highest grossing G-rated movie of all time, features this animal as the main character. 

What is a clownfish?

Fact: The Clownfish's (or "anemonefish's") natural habitat is the sea anemone, a predatory, venomous invertebrate; and it is unknown why the clownfish is immune to the anemone's venom. 


This Indonesian seed is a common addition to spice blends such as western chai spice and pumpkin spice.

What is nutmeg?


Founded in 2008 and currently one fo the most developer visited websites in the world, this famous question-and-answer website is parodied in the following comic.

What is StackExchange?


The Statue of Liberty, depicting Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty, was gifted to the United States in 1886 by this country. 

What is France?


In this Disney movie, Bruce the shark uses the following pledge to reinforce his carnitarian (fish-free) diet: "I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food."

What is Finding Nemo?


This flower, native to South Africa, is distinct for having bright orange "plumage" from which the flower gets its name.

What is a bird of paradise?

Fact: The bird of paradise is the official flower of Los Angeles, California. 


This image file format, first formalized in 1992 by the Joint Photographic Experts Group, is the most widely used image compression standard and digital file format in the world. 

What is JPEG?


AI image generation often produces unreliable or unexpected results. For example, when given this word, it generated the image below. 

What is eggplant?


This food, which has religious and medicinal significance in many cultures dating back over 5500 years, is the only food that does not go bad.

What is honey?


This eponymous Disney cartoon features the Greek Muses, who sing a song about the titular character who "puts the glad in gladiator".

What is Hercules?


This winged insect's bold coloring, which consists of orange, black, and small amounts of white, signals to potential predators that it is poisonous.

What is a monarch butterfly?

Fact: Northern species of monarch butterflies migrate over 3000 miles from Canada to Mexico. 


This word completes the quote from Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 142-143, where Lady Capulet pleads for justice for her nephew Tybalt's murder:  "I ____ for justice, which thou, Prince, must give. Romeo slew Tybalt. Romeo must not live."

What is beg?


In the meme below, characters and locations from JRR Tolkein's Lord of the Rings are compared to this 1997 children's television program. 

What is The Teletubbies?
