The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located in this country.
The process of gradual accumulation of a substance in an organism.
What is bioaccumulation?
In the aftermath of the disaster, survivors were forced to do this.
What is relocation / resettlement?
At this time in history, this major event was occurring in the world.
What is the Cold War?
It has been this many years since the accident.
What is 39 years?
The Chernobyl Disaster occurred in this year.
What is 1986?
The reactors were cooled with this material.
What is water?
Over this many million people in nearby countries were exposed to radiation.
What is 8?
The disaster led to this advancement in energy.
What is interest in renewable energy sources?
This is the most recent nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
What is Fukushima?
Fires in the area lasted for this amount of time.
What is 10 days?
The mass of molten material beneath the plant is nicknamed this.
What is the Elephant's Foot?
This many people died immediately in the accident.
What is 31?
Ukraine borders with seven countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, and this country.
What is Russia?
The Chernobyl accident caused this to happen to nuclear energy development.
What is slowing research and development into nuclear energy?
It is classified as this type of disaster.
What is a nuclear disaster / man-made disaster?
A factor that increased the chance of risk for disaster.
What is inadequately trained operators / fundamental flaw in reactors / lack of safety procedures?
They are the civil and military personnel who handled the consequences of the accident.
What is a Chernobyl "liquidator"?
The Chernobyl Disaster marked the start of the decline of this.
What is the USSR?
The Chernobyl explosion was this much stronger than the bombing of Hiroshima during the Second World War.
What is 400x?
This is the reactor that caused the explosion.
What is Reactor 4?
This event triggers nuclear fission.
What is a neutron colliding with an atom?
3 effects of the nuclear disaster.
What is land contamination / agriculture / radiation poisoning / environmental hazards?
At the time of this event, Ukraine was part of this organization.
What is the Soviet Union?
A flight across the Atlantic ocean has an average exposure of this amount of radiation.
What is approx. 0.08 millisieverts?