Main Issues
Human Nature

What is the topic that is found within the theme?

Skillfulness, or Determination


What is the main conflict in the story?

Person v Person


Q: What is 1 human nature characteristic that I discuss?

Responding to sudden actions (fight or flight), and analyze situations to act properly.


What is one real-world connection to the novel?

Political leaders, policemen, firefighters, and doctors.


What was the title of the book, and the name of the author?

The name of the book was CHERUB: The Fall, written by Robert Muchamore.


What was the thematic statement that I stated?

In the most life-threatening situations, skillfulness is like water, necessary for survival.


Why is the main conflict in the story Person v Person?

The main protagonists’ have certain goals, which requires them to overcome and take-down certain individuals, to achieve success.


What is the novel example I gave that related to human nature?

James and Lauren analyzed their situation, and acted accordingly, to take down the people responsible for the Russian disaster, and the human-trafficking operation.


What were the two connections I made with novel (form of entertainment)?

Sherlock Holmes and Just Lather, That’s All.


Who was the book meant for?

High school and university students.


Why does the theme work with the novel?

Because the character had to overcome their obstacles, using their determination and adaptability. Using their skills, they were able to achieve their goals and survive.


What is the main issue in the beginning of the story?

A kid named James Adams, an CHERUB agent is investigating a government official, but when things go south, he must escape Russia before he is caught.


Make a connection to a human nature characteristic I mentioned.

Answers may vary.


Connect the novel with a real-life example or another form of entertainment.

Answers may vary.


Give an example of a book which had a similar intended audience.

Answers may vary.


What happened in the quote, and who did it happen to?

James is ambushed by Russian police, so he reacted quickly to their response. Thanks to his agent skills, he takes them down, and continues to try to escape Russia.


Lauren Adams faces issues throughout the story, what are those issues?

Lauren is investigating Russian human traffickers in the UK, and must use her skills to arrest the human traffickers and shut down the operation for good.


What was the real-life example I gave relating to human nature?

Halton and Hamilton police officers used naloxone, an antidote to opioid overdoses, saving 21 lives.


How do these connections connect with the novel?

In both cases, certain individuals use their skill set (physical, mental, or emotional) in difficult situations, and overcome their obstacles, benefiting themselves or others.


Why was the book meant for students?

Because students are still learning about how to handle difficult situations using their skills, and how to overcome their obstacles. This novel reminds students and teaches them valuable lessons, which will benefit them in the future.


Summarize the quote, which identified the theme.

James finds himself in a difficult situation, attempting to escape Russia. He uses his skills to combat the officers, knocking them out, then escaping Russia.


Due to previous events, what is the other issue James is faced with?

James is blamed by the M15 about making the operation go south in Russia. James investigates who was behind the incident, and attempts to discover who the culprit is before time runs out.


From the human nature driven actions made in the article and the novel, what does this tell us about our world?

That humans are adaptable to certain circumstances, and can analyze situations, and act accordingly. This is a positive impact, which affects us globally.


Explain what obstacles and situations the barber, from “Just Lather, That’s All” had to go through, which relates to the novel.

The barber had a desire to kill the general before him, yet he resisted, and realized that he should stay professional. He chose not to let his ‘second’ nature overcome his actions, which he will eventually regret. These obstacles require the barber to utilize his skills, to reassure and prevent himself from making a mistake.


Why couldn’t this book be meant for adults or younger children?

Adults have already learnt these lessons, and will not benefit much from the novel. The novel contains content, not recommended for younger children (ex. human trafficking, killings).
