BSU is ?
Black Student Union
Is underage drinking prohibited at Stetson University?
When do meal swipes start over?
Every Friday
What year is Ches?
2nd Year
Who is John B Stetson?
Our Mascot
The benefactor
LSU is ?
Latin Student Union
Where can you report Gener-Based Misconduct (Sexual Harassment)?
Title IX
What are HatterBucks?
Stetson "dollars" for food.
What is Ches' Job
Monitor Technician
Monitor Tech
What is a hatter ?
Someone who makes hats
Where can you find events on campus ?
Where is lost and found?
Within Public Safety's Office
What is a syllabus ?
Summary of the course material.
What is Ches' Major?
Health Science (Pre-Med)
What's the oldest building on campus ?
Deland Hall
Counseling services are located in
Griffith Hall
Who do you call if your locked out ?
The RA on duty (on-call).
How often is there Stetson Peer Instruction (SPI)
45 minutes twice a week.
Where is Ches from?
Dallas, TX
What is the name of the fountain?
Holler Fountain
Who is the Gender & Sexual Orientation Diversity Organization ?
Is Ches a mandated reporter?
Where is the Student Success Center located?
Second floor of the library
What is Ches' Career?
Forensic Pathology
Who is the President of Stetson University?
Christopher Rolke