Force and Motion
Transfers, Transformations and Changes
Elements and Compounds
Going "Green"
What is Potential Energy and what is the amount based on?
Stored energy and it is based on the mass of the object and its height above the ground.
If I am holding one end of a metal rod and I put the other end over a flame and burn my hand, what kind of heat transfer is that?
A train travelled 50 miles in the first hour, 70 miles in the second hour, 30 miles in the third hour, and 50 miles in the fourth hour. Draw a line graph showing the rate of speed of the train's trip.
The graph should show a line increasing to 50 at hour 1, increasing to 70 at hour 2, decreasing to 30 at hour 3 and increasing back to 50 at hour 4.
What is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom?
What is it called when we collect items and use them again instead of making new items?
What is Kinetic Energy and what is it based on?
Energy of motion and it is based on the object's mass, speed and direction of gravity.
If two substances are mixed and begin to bubble, what have they formed?
A gas
Find the density of a substance that has a mass of 293.46 grams and a volume of 73 cubic centimeters.
4.02 g/cm^3
High luster, solid at room temperature, good conductor and high malleability are all characteristics of what?
If a school in the desert wants to go "green", what would be the BEST solution?
Install solar panels
What is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another? ***Double Points*** Does an icy road give a car more or less of that unbalanced force?
Friction ***Gives it less friction***
Water moves between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere with energy from the Sun. What thermal transfer is this an example of?
Give me the speeds of the Sports Car in Figure 2 at 10, 20, 30, 40 minutes. Round to the hundredths places.***Double Points if all four are correct!***
20 km/10 mins.=2 km/mins., 30 km/20 mins.=1.75 km/mins., 55 km/30 mins.=1.83 km/mins., 95 km/40 mins.=2.38 km/mins.
Poor conductor, brittle, solid, liquid or gas at room temperature and dull luster are all characteristics of what?
If a business wants to save electricity, what is an easy, inexpensive way to do that?
Change lightbulbs to LEDs (light-emiting diode) or CFLs (compact fluorescent light)
When a roller coaster is at the top of its highest hill, what kind of energy does it have? ***Double Points*** Where does it have the most kinetic energy? Be specific.
Potential ***At the bottom of the highest hill after going down.***
If two substances are mixed together, react and can not be changed back, what has occurred?
A chemical change
What unit do you measure force in? ***Double Points*** What unit do you measure energy in?
Newtons, ***Joules***
According to your Interactive Notebooks, Earth's atmosphere is mostly made up of what two elements?
Nitrogen and Oxygen
What are the four non-renewable energy sources? ***Double Points*** What are the five renewable energy sources?
Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Power ***Biomass, Wind, Solar, Hydroelectric, Geothermal***
If a ball is rolled down from the very top of a hill and stops at a wall at the bottom, at which two spots will the ball have similar kinetic energy?
At the top of the hill and at the wall.
What three energy transformations are being shown in Slide 1 and in what order?
Steph has an irregular-shaped object and she wants to find out the density. What two things does she need to measure and how can she do that?
Steph needs to get the mass of the object by using a balance. Then she needs to use displacement to get the volume (Fill a cylinder with water, measure it, put the object in the water, measure it and subtract the two amounts to get the volume).
Why are Water and Salt not elements?
They are compounds and made up of two or more elements.
What is the difference between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency?
Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy and Energy Efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. IE: Conservation is what you do and Efficiency is what you use.