Emergency Preparedness
Me First
Take It or Leave It
The Right Stuff
The What
What should you do in case of a fire?
Rescue, Alarm, Contain and Extinguish
You're on your way to clean a patient room, but notice a wet spill on the floor. What do you do first?
Clean up the spill.
When stocking your cart would you pick cotton mops or microfiber mops? Why?
Microfiber mops: cover more surface area, capture more dirt, are lighter, are more absorbent, reduce the number of pathogens, are more durable, use less water and chemical.
What is the right stuff for killing pathogens in a non-critical hospital setting?
EPA registered, hospital-grade disinfectant such as Virex II 256
What is a SDS?
A Safety Data Sheet
What is your role if you hear Infant or Child Abduction paged?
Be on the lookout for and report anyone trying to leave the building with a child or a package large enough to conceal a baby.
What is a higher priority? Cleaning an occupied patient room or the common area?
Occupied patient room
Should you use spray bottles or pour bottles for your chemicals? Why?
Pour Bottles. Spray bottles increase the risk of breathing in chemical mist.
What is the right stuff for cleaning windows and mirrors?
Glass cleaners such as Glance
What is dwell time?
The amount of time that a disinfectant must remain wet on a surface to kill microorganisms.
What does the acronym PASS stand for?
How to use a fire extinguisher: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the trigger, Sweep from side to side.
A patient requested you return to his room, right after your coworker requested help with the trash. Which do you do first?
The patient request
Should you stock your cart with canned air fresheners? Why?
No. Canned air fresheners create respiratory issues for patients and employees.
What is the right stuff for disinfecting the inside of toilet bowls?
Non-acid bowl cleaner
What four items are required to go on a label when you prepare a solution?
Name of solution, strength of solution, date made, expiration date
Are the emergency color codes that we use: a national standard, a state standard, or specific to our hospital?
Florida State Standard
The CEO told you the ER lobby needs attention as you are on your way to clean a check-out. What do you do?
Call your supervisor.
Should you stock you cart with Alpha HP or the Mr. Clean you bought at Wal-Mart? Why?
Alpha HP. Off-the-shelf cleaning chemicals are not approved for use in hospitals and could create a regulatory violation.
What is the right stuff for cleaning areas that don't require disinfection, such as mopping the floor?
General purpose neutral cleaners such as Forward, Alpha HP, Per Diem
What should you do if a your co-worker who is sick just cleaned a check-out?
Inform your supervisor.
What does HICS stand for?
Hospital Incident Command System
A nurse drops a food tray just as you are headed to break. What do you do?
Stay and help clean up the tray. Tell your supervisor why you are late for break.
Should you stock your cart with acid bowl cleaner or non-acid bowl cleaner? Why
Non-acid bowl cleaner. The acid bowl cleaner is a safety hazard.
What is the right stuff for disinfecting high touch areas in C. diff. rooms.
An intermediate disinfectant such as bleach
What is the dwell time for Alpha HP?
0. Alpha HP is a neutral cleaner and does not have a dwell time.