Patient previously exposed to TB and is asymptomatic. What stage of TB is this?
What is Latent TB?
Most common place patients are treated for TB
What is at home?
Where would you look for an air leak
What is C "air leak monitor"
Three or more rib fractures, causing an unstable chest wall with paradoxical movement with breathing.
What is a flail chest?
drainage was noted to be serosanguinous, and now, it is frank red blood.
What is a sign of new bleeding?
Patient has symptoms of cough, fatigue, low-grade fever, night sweats. Has previously been exposed to TB what stage is this?
What is active TB?
How do you obtain a sputum sample for the diagnosis of TB
What is three sputum samples 8-24 hours apart with at least one done first thing in the am before eating and drinking?
What is D the collection chamber?
Blunt trauma that causes pain with inspiration and coughing, shallow respirations
What is fractured ribs?
crackle like sensation, that must be outlined to identify the spread.
What is crepitus?
A patient who has been exposed to TB 6 months ago, has negative sputum, positive Quantiferon TB blood test, no signs or symptoms. What do you expect to be the patients diagnosis?
What is Latent TB?
When taking TB drug regimen what lab panel would you expect?
What is a hepatic function panel?
appears to be intermittent bubbling of water in the C chamber, indicated an air leak.
What is bubbling?
Caused by air entering pleural cavity.
What is pneumothorax?
Can trap air in the chest cavity, causing a pneumothorax
What is a kinked tube
A patient infected with TB positive PPD and positive sputum would be classified as having which stage of TB
What is active Tuberculosis?
What is done by the public health office to prevent the following:
Nonadherence to medication treatment
prevent multi-drug resistant TB
What is Directly observed therapy (DOT)?
The water in the air leak chamber is moving up and down with respiration. this is a normal finding
What is tidaling?
Tall thin males with sudden shortness of breath and absent lung sounds on one side
What is a spontaneous Pneumothorax?
Redness around the insertion site, swelling, and warmth, may also have purulent drainage.
What is signs of infection?
What stage of TB would a TB infection resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampin?
What is Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis?
How can a newly diagnosis patient protect their family at home?
What is covering their nose and mouth with paper tissues every time they cough or sneeze, and disposing of them in sealed plastic bags each time?
where do you find your suction orders, if they are water-seal or dry-suction
What is a physician order?
The patient had a contusion to the right side of there chest noted to have dyspnea, dullness to percussion, and dropping H&H (hemoglobin and hematocrit).
What is a hemothorax?
Chest tube became dislodged.... WHAT now....
What is place an occlusive dressing with three sides of tap?