The way we ask to use the restroom
What is fingers crossed?
The lunch every Monday
What is Gill's Pizza
What is a Panther?
When Ms. Booth has recess duty
When is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Who is the principal
When you are supposed to exchange your classroom library books
When is arrival time?
How much ice cream and snack cost
What is $1?
How many grades there are at Chester Academy
What is 10? (Pre-K through 8th grade)
How cold it has to be to have indoor recess
What is under 10 degrees?
The name of the afternoon custodian
Who is Mrs. Lenny
What you should do before starting any assignment
What is write your name and/or read the directions?
When Ms. Booth has Lunch Duty
What is Tuesdays and Thursdays?
How many buses there are
What is 7?
What you need to play in the snow
What is snow pants, snow boots, jacket, and gloves?
The 1st grade teachers
Who are Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Freiburger, and Mrs. Kilpatrick?
The person in charge of updating the front of the board each day.
Who is Kate?
How much time is left when the red button is pressed
What is 5 minutes?
The assistant principal's name
Who is Mr. Biron?
The names of the 5th grade paras that monitor recess most days
Who are Ms. Rogers and Mrs. Cripps?
Who are the 5th grade teachers
Who is Mrs. Gage, Mrs. Godfrey, and Ms. Tanguay
Something we do every day
What is a feeling check in/read the class vision/morning meeting... etc
The time we have lunch
When is 11:30?
How many boys/girls are in our class
8 boys
12 girls
What the field is mostly used for
What is kickball?
Who are Mrs. True, Miss Farr, Ms. Booth, Ms. Testa, Mrs. Pepper, and Mrs. Grindrod