Physical Exam Finding Most Specific for CHF
What NYHA Stage for CHF is marked symptoms with minimal activity
NYHA Stage 3
These are the 4 medication groups that make up the pillars of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Treatment
SGLT-2 Inhibitors, Mineralcorticoid Receptor Antagonists, Beta Blockers, Neprolysin Inbitors/ARB/ACE Inhibitors
This activity has been shown to improve functional status, exercise performance and quality of life in patients with CHF who are able to participate
Cardiac Rehabilitation
As your heart stretches due to increasing load or experiences increased stress from injury, This protein levels rise which we can measure as a blood test to help diagnose CHF.
What NYHA Stage for CHF is symptoms while at rest
NYHA stage 4
This is the most worrisome/serious side effect of Ace Inhibitors and Neprolysin Inhibitors and is why both medicines can't be given together
This device should be considered for patients with Ejection Fractions less than or equal to 35% to prevent sudden cardiac death
Automated Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (AICD)
This is the most sensitive and specific blood test for diagnosis myocardial injury
What is the BP target for Heart Failure Prevention
Less than 130/80
Optimization of volume status by which class of medications is an essential component of treatment of systolic or diastolic heart failure (HF) by removing excess extracellular fluid.
Loop Diuretics
Class of Calcium Channel Blockers to avoid in heart failure
This is a measurement, expressed as a percentage, of how much blood the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction
Ejection fraction (EF)
The optimal time to follow up patients hospitalized for CHF exacerbations in the outpatient setting.
Within 1 week
What are the 3 evidence based beta blockers used to treat CHF
Metoprolol Succinate, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol
Gold Standard Treatment for persistent severe CHF symptoms despite maximal medical therapy
Heart Transplantation
What is the frequency of Echocardiograms in patients with stable CHF
What medications can be used in patients who cannot tolerate ACE/ARB/NI because of renal failure, hyperkalemia, or pregnancy. These medicines were primary studied in African Americans.
Hydralazine and Nitrates
This drug has positive ionotropic activity on the heart and negative chronotropic activity. It helps with symptoms related to CHF, but hasn't been shown to reduce mortality. It has a narrow therapeutic window which can limit its use.
This treatment can improve functional status in patients with CHF and Anemia
Intravenous Iron