Which two characters sing the song "A Whole New World"?
Aladdin and Jasmine
Which Inventor Is Credited With Creating The First Practical Telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What is the largest animal in the world?
The blue whale
Eggs, bacon, grits, ugseasa
When did World War II officially end?
Finish the lyric: "It's ______________, even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious"
Which Document Declared The American Colonies’ Independence From Britain?
The Decleration of Independence
Steve Irwins show was called The what Hunter?
Crocodile or The Crocodile Hunter
I don't really care about anything till I've had this beverage: efeofc
What are the 3 U.S states that start with the letter O?
Oregon, Ohio, and Oklahoma
Who is the famous broadway star and actress who voices Queen Elsa?
Indina Menzel
What is the fifth planet from the sun?
A marsupial is a mammal that has a what to carry it's offspring?
A pouch
This cereal is unbeeleivable! nyheo tnu rcsehoir
Honey Nut Cherrios
What is the South Carolina state bird?
The Carolina Wren
Two part question: In what movie does this character throw a temper tantrum musical number on a golf course?
Troy in High School Musical 2
What Was The Primary Language Spoken In The Roman Empire?
What do snakes smell with?
Their tounge
This food item feels very fancy with an assortment of different foods included: lotem
What is the capital of Kansas?
Finish the lyric to this song from a silly dog film: "Maybe love is the reason why, for the first time ever we're seeing it __ __ ___".
Eye 2 Eye
Which Ancient Greek Philosopher Taught Alexander The Great?
Which mammal is the only one who cannot jump?
British people eat this for breakfast: driepgro
Which state holds the highest elevation point in the U.S?