Chicken Breeds
Chicken Anatomy
defects and disqualifications
Poultry Facts

This breed of chicken has 5 toes!! It also lacks barbicles in the feathering, which give it it's well known "fluffy" look

Hint: One of the most popular show breeds

The silkie


a tuft of head feathers that occurs on SOME breeds such as Silkies and Polish



This disqualification is when the tail looks like it has been divided in half because of spacing in the feathers

Split tail


How many days will it take to hatch a chicken egg?

About 21


These extremely docile birds are known for their very full and soft feathering that extends all the way to the legs, with only the two inner toes being naked. These birds should be almost round and almost resemble a heart from the side, and they are predisposed to becoming overweight

The cochin

Fun fact: The breed first became popular when imported birds were given to Queen Victoria in England, starting what became known as “hen fever” – a national obsession for all things poultry that overtook America and England in the mid-1800s.


The round fleshy patch of bare skin on each side of the head varying in size, shape, and color by breed!

The earlobe

Fun fact: MOST of the time (not always) earlobe color is correlated to egg color! Exceptions include silkies, which have blue earlobes but typically lay brown or creme, eggs!


This defect or disqualification (if severe enough) occurs when the feathers of a bird are discolored due to sun.

Sun Bleaching 

A sun bleached bird should be avoided until it is able to molt out the bleached feathers.


What is a group of eggs referred to as?

A clutch


These chickens can be seen as either tailed or rumpless, the rumpless is rarer but closer to the orginal breed. This breed is known for its distinct feather-tufted ears and blue eggs! It has been used to develop other colored-egg breeds such as the easter egger and the americauna



The soft downy portion of feathering below the vent to the thighs

the fluff


this disqualification is when the wing does not return to its natural folded position when opened, resulting in the wing looking relaxed at it’s side

Slipped Wing


Castrated male fowl



These birds are a bantam breed with four toes and a single comb. They have a distinct feathered beard and are known for their fancy feathered feet! They come in varieties such as millie fluer, mottled, and porcelain

Belgian Bearded D’uccles


The portion of the chicken's leg below the hock joint



this disqualification is when the tail is lopsided to one side

wry tail


What is it called when the feathers of a bird curl and curve outwards and forwards in a random manner?



This chicken breed is one of the oldest British varieties of "true" bantams (meaning it was not derived from a standard-sized counteroart). They are known for their disntinct gold or silver laced feathering, as well as for roosters lacking distinct sickle and hackle feathers!


Fact: These birds are not great layers, an individual hen will lay 60-80 eggs per year


The long, curling showy feathers on a rooster's tail!

Sickle feathers

Fact: The Yokohama rooster has sickles that will grow 3-4 feet in length! The Phoenix is a breed developed from the Yokohama that also features prominent sickles!


These long feathers that grow down from the shanks of the chicken are disqualifications in almost all breeds!

Hint: D’Uccles, Sultans and some other feather-legged breeds are required to have these feathers present!

Vulture hooks


What are the three different types of feathers that cover a chickens wing?

Primaries, secondaries and coverts

Large feathers are called the primaries, the middle feathers are the secondaries, and the small feathers are the coverts
