Empire, Migration & Neoliberalism
Immigration Reform Movement & Policy
Social Movements & Labor Unions I
Social Movements & Labor Unions II

The city that Huntington used to argue that Mexican Americans would not assimilate into "American" culture

What is Miami


The executive order by President Obama which provides temporary deportation relief to certain persons who entered the US as children without authorization

What is DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival)


The assimilationist/reformist organization founded by Ben Garza in 1929

What is the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)


The documentary Fighting For Our Lives is about this labor union

What is United Farm Workers


Oboler's critique of pan-ethnic labels like "Hispanic"

What is "obscure rather than clarify"


How Juan González characterizes modern US - Latin American (economic) relations

What is peaceful conquest


The immigrant rights movement is pushing for legislation that would create this: ____

What is a legal process for unauthorized immigrants to become authorized (pathway to citizenship)


The name of the town in Texas where La Raza Unida party was founded by José Ángel Gutiérrez and others

What is Crystal City


According to Mariscal, this is the UFW's organizing philosophy and methods

What is nonviolence


The process of assigning a status into a social hierarchy to groups and individuals in the U.S., described by Victor Rodríguez Domínguez

What is racialization


The name of the modernization & wealth extraction program instituted by the US in Puerto Rico in the 1940s-1970s

What is Operation Bootstrap / Manos a la Obra


This 2004 documentary by CNN Correspondent Maria Hinojosa portrayed the stories of people for and against immigration in Georgia

What is Immigrant Nation: Divided Country


The SCOTUS case which made it unconstitutional to deny a free public K-12 education to undocumented students based on their citizenship status

What is Plyler v. Doe


He was a well-known leader of the UFW labor union, which has been active from the 1960s to today

Who was César Chávez


This author agreed with some of the basic elements of Huntington’s thesis about Mexican American assimilation

Who is Gilbert Gonzalez


This is the free trade agreement signed between US, Canada & Mexico January 1, 1994

What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)


This legislation advocated for by the immigrant rights movement would create a pathway to citizenship for some persons who arrived in the US as minors without authorization

What is the DREAM Act


Jose Angel Gutierrez was one of the founders of this third political party which formed in the 1960s

What is La Raza Unida Party


UFW worked in the 1960s and 1970s to _____

What is organize farm workers


The Latino Question authors argue that the best way Latinx/e people can be understood is by centering ____________ in the study of this population

What is class relations


There has been a Latinx community in Wisconsin for at least ____

What is 100 years or more


Terriquez explains this term associated with movement spillover by saying: "strategies originated by movement A are borrowed by movement B in pursuit of separate goals; yet in employing that strategy, movement B ends up furthering the aims of
movement A"

What is the boomerang effect

Ibarra, Carlos & Torres ground the development of the Chicanx/e & Latinx/e community in ____

What is labor (positionality in production relations) + US social hierarchy


This student group was started in 1969, fought for inclusion of Chicano Studies programs, and still exists today all over the country including here in Madison

What is Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA)


This Harvard political scientist argued that Mexicans/Mexican Americans are a "challenge" to the US because they (1) refuse to assimilate, (2) want to reconquer the southwest US for Mexico, and (3) are a persistent immigration stream

Who was Samuel Huntington
