This is the age the average child begins to lose their primary teeth?
What is around age 6?
This person proposed the theory of cognitive development that includes stages such as sensorimotor and concrete operational.
Who is (Jean) Piaget?
This person proposed the theory of psychosocial development that includes stages such as "industry vs. inferiority".
Who is Erik Erikson?
Ecological systems theory was developed by this person?
Who is Urie Bronfenbrenner?
What year of the PhD program is he in?
5th Year.
This is the age when a child’s brain typically reaches 90% of its adult size.
What is age 6?
Children enter this stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory, characterized by logical thinking about real events.
What is the concrete operational stage?
This term refers to a child’s ability to delay gratification and control impulses.
What is self-regulation?
This term describes the influence of rewards and punishments on behavior, as proposed by B.F. Skinner.
What is reinforcement?
How many people are in his immediate family (parents+siblings+self)?
4 people: dad, mom, sister, self
This term refers to the refinement of small muscle movements, such as writing or tying shoes.
What are fine motor skills?
In this memory strategy information is grouped into manageable units.
What is chunking?
This parenting style, characterized by high warmth and high control, is often linked to positive child outcomes.
What is authoritative parenting?
In Erikson’s theory, this stage during middle childhood involves a child striving for competence.
What is industry vs inferiority?
Including this one, how many semesters has he taught?
3 semesters.
This is the brain's natural process of eliminating unused or weak neural connections.
What is synaptic pruning?
Vygotsky introduced this term for the assistance provided to a child to help them achieve a task they couldn’t do independently.
What is scaffolding?
Children in middle childhood increasingly develop out of this stage of pre-operational thinking, allowing them to understand the perspectives of others.
What is egocentrism/centration?
Ecological systems theory includes this system, which involves the direct environment of the child, such as family and school.
What is the microsystem?
How many countries has he lived in?
2 countries.
This part of the brain is responsible for higher-order cognitive functions like planning and decision-making.
What is the prefrontal cortex?
This is the term for the ability to think about one’s own thinking, which begins to develop in middle childhood.
What is metacognition?
This kind of play involves playing together and having shared goals.
What is cooperative play?
In this attachment style, a child feels confident that their caregiver will provide comfort, safety, and support when needed.
What is secure attachment?
What is his #1 favorite country?