How many levels are on Maslow's heirachy of needs?
Martha just had her second child, name the family life cycle stage.
Childbearing stage
You sent a friend a text message. What type of communication is that?
Newborns sleep at least 17 hours per day. Name the child development domain.
Physical Domain
Which stage you have reached when all needs have been fulfilled?
Tom's son just moved into his own apartment. Name the family life cycle.
Launching Stage
Helpful information given or critism that is given to say what can be done to improve a performance or product, is called what?
Atfter the first year babies grow rapidly but less after that, name the child development domain.
Physical Domain
Whch theorist developed the Hiearchy of needs?
Abraham Maslow
Jane retired from her job and moved to Florida, which life cyce stage she is at?
Aging Stage
What type of listening is this?
You make eye contact and nod as your teacher explains the lesson
Active listening
Children are proud when they do a task for themselves, name the child development domain this would fall under.
Social-emotional Domain
What is the sahpe of Maslow's Theory?
Bob fell and broke his hip and now has to life in an Assisted Living Facility, he has now reached which family lifecycle stage?
Aging Stage
The act of sharing information and ideas with others is called?
School-age children can learn symbol systems used in reading and math, name the child development domain.
Intellectual Domain
Where would the need for stopping at tyhe street corner before crossing on Maslow's hierachy?
Mary just got married and decided to wait TWO years before having children. Name this family life cycle stage.
Beginning Stage
Hand geatures, facial expressions are means of communications. Which type of communications are these?
Children are eager and curious learners, which child development domain would this fall under?
Intellectual Domain