This comprises all of the individual’s genetic material.
These type of reactions to stimuli are automatic.
This theorist would explain that a child learns to use a spoon be being taught by a skilled peer or adult.
Which theorist suggested that development is related to five separate systems which work together?
Urie Brofenbrenner
Which of the following is NOT a teratogen?
a)cigarettes b)>300mg per day of caffeine c)hot tubs d)cocaine
b)>300mg per day of caffeine
This theorist would explain that an infant learned to use a spoon by watching their parents use a spoon during meal time.
Which theorist would suggest that an infant has been conditioned to fall asleep when they hear their mother or father sing a lullaby?
How does an infant communicate during the first year of life?
Babbling, gestures, crying, cooing
At which age does pregnancy possess greater risks including: increase in low birth rate, preterm delivery, and fetal death
Women aged 35 and older
These types of movements involve large muscles groups (arms, legs, torso, etc.).
Gross motor skills
A mother claps her hands and smiles when her infant learns a new word. This is an example of positive reinforcement which was a term proposed by:
Approximately how long does it take for an infants vision to fully develop?
1 year
What are some possible long term outcomes for infants who have a low birthweight?
Delays in early language development • Increases in severe brain damage • Learning disability, attention deficit disorder, or breathing problems such as asthma
An infant doesn't cry often and smiles often. This is likely due to their ____________.
Playing with playdoh is an example of a gross motor skill or fine motor skill.
Fine motor skill
This sense develops first:
a)hear b)touch c)taste d)smell
Fill in the blanks with nurture and nature. Your foot size is an example of ________ and the quality of food you receive is an example of ___________.
nature, nurture
These types of movements involve small muscle groups (i.e. fingers, toes).
Fine motor skills
Why are males more likely to be affected by x-linked recessive gene disorders?
Males only have one X chromosome, so they only need one copy of the defective gene to develop the disorder.
Running and jumping are examples of what type of skill?
Gross Motor Skills