Whole Child Education
Role of Relationships
Science of Play
Social Emotional Development
Implications for Teaching

This system of support provides students with different levels of support. It encompasses whole group instruction, targeted small group intervention and individualized support for students with significant needs. 

What is multi-tiered support.                           (Darling Hammond & Cook-Harvey 2018)


What is Ecological Systems Theory. 

(Bronfenbrenner, 1979)


This type of learning incorporates elements of wonder, student agency and exploration and has been shown to have a positive effect on acquisition of math skills, shape knowledge and task switching. 

What is Play-based Learning. 


What are ACEs?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (Souers & Hall 2016) 


How long does it take a multilingual student to develop oral proficiency? 

What is 3-5 years? (Hakuta 2000) 


This psychological theory establishes a pyramid hierarchy of needs that begins with the foundational needs of food and water and ends with self-actualization. 

What is Marlow's Hierarchy of Needs. 

(Maslow & Lewis 1987)


Reacting appropriately to the child in response to the situation or state of the child at hand. 

What is Responsiveness. 


"Both free play and guided play are essential for development of ______ skills." 

What is academic. (Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2008) 


Is poverty considered an ACE? 

No, "although living in poverty increases the likelihood of ACE exposure" (Souers & Hall 2016 p. 18)


How long does it take for a multilingual student to develop academic English language proficiency? 

What is 4-7 years/ (Hakuta 2000) 


"______ relationships are the essential ingredient that catalyze healthy development and learning." 

What is Human? (Darling-Hammond & Cook-Harvey 2018 p.2) 


An adult's ability to infer a child's inner experience, such as feelings, thoughts and needs. 

What is Attunement. 


This type of play begin as soon as infants can grasp objects, involves biting, hitting and dropping. 

What is Object Play. (Whitebread et al., 2017) 


ACEs inhibit the _________ cortex which is necessary for impulse control and executive function, a critical area for learning. 

What is the pre-frontal cortex. (Harris 2014) 


A standardized test question, in which an adult asks a question that the adult already knows the answer to.

Ex: What did George Washington do with the cherry tree?

What is a known-answer question. 

These questions, frequently used in schools, and in middle class European-american families can at times seem confusing for multilingual learners with minimal experience with language games. (Rogoff et al., 2018)


The benefits of a ______ school climate, "improve academic achievement, reduce negative effects of poverty on academic achievement, boost grades, test scores and student engagement." 

What is a Positive School Climate.                     (Darling Hammond & Cook-Harvey 2018)


Through the back and forth relationships, the adult helps to co-regulate the child. This provides regulatory support in the moment and helps children to build self-regulation skills over time. 

What is Co-Regulation.


This type of play includes sports, physical games and video games. 

What is Guided play? (Whitebread et al., 2017)

ACEs create measureable differences in the __________,  the brain's fear response center. 

What is the amygdala. (Harris 2014)


"To unpackage cultural aspects of human development requires attention to people’s ______ experience, not just carving individuals’ lives into separate variables."

(Rogoff et al., 2018 p.11)

What is lived experience. (Rogoff et al., 2018) 


Learning is 

What is social, emotional and academic.               (Darling Hammond & Cook-Harvey 2018)


The essential practice of building _____ ______ _____ includes the uses of emotional attunement, reciprocity, progressive complexity and Balance of Power. 

What is Positive Developmental Practices. 


What is Parten's Six Stages of Play. 


Approximately what percent of the population have at least one ACE? 

What is  approximately 70%. (Souers & Hall 2016)


The authors of this research in developmental practice urge the field of research psychology to consider culture, and more so the everyday cultural facets of life as "constellations of cultural practice"

Who are Rogoff, Dahl, & Callanan. 

(Rogoff, Dahl, & Callanan 2018, p.11)
