This type of family structure consists of a mother and father raising their children together.
What is a nuclear family?
This parenting style is characterized by high demands and expectations, but also warmth and responsiveness.
What is authoritative parenting?
In individualistic cultures, the emphasis is on personal achievement and independence. In collectivistic cultures, it's on this.
What is group harmony or collective well-being?
This term refers to the lifelong process through which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of their culture.
What is socialization?
This term refers to intentional harm or the risk of harm to a child by a caregiver.
What is child maltreatment?
In this family structure, children may have both biological parents and stepparents involved in their upbringing.
What is a blended family?
Parents following this style are strict and demanding, with little room for flexibility or negotiation.
What is authoritarian parenting?
Families from different cultural backgrounds may have varying approaches to child-rearing, influenced by factors such as this.
What is cultural values?
The process of socialization begins at this stage of life, as infants start to learn from their caregivers.
Neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse are examples of different forms of this concerning children.
What is child maltreatment?
In this family structure, children are raised by a single parent.
What is a single-parent family?
Parents following this style are lenient, setting few demands and allowing their children considerable freedom.
What is permissive parenting?
In immigrant families, children may experience the challenge of balancing the values of their home culture with those of the new culture. This is known as what?
What is biculturalism?
During this stage of life, children start to develop language skills and learn basic social rules.
What is early childhood (preschool years)?
Neglect can take different forms. One type is when parents fail to provide this fundamental need for their child.
What is neglecting to provide adequate food or nutrition?
When children are raised by their grandparents, aunts, uncles, or other relatives, they are part of this type of family structure.
What is an extended family?
This parenting style is characterized by a lack of emotional involvement and little communication between parents and children.
What is uninvolved parenting?
Implicit biases can influence parents' perceptions and behaviors. Define implicit bias.
What is a subconscious attitude or stereotype that affects one's understanding, actions, and decisions?
The process of socialization continues throughout life, but this stage, often occurring in adolescence, is where they try and discover who they are. What is it called?
What is identity formation?
his form of child maltreatment involves intentionally causing physical harm to a child.
What is physical abuse?
In this family structure, parents are divorced, and children move between the homes of each parent.
What is a joint custody arrangement?
Parents following this style are nurturing and supportive but set clear and firm limits.
What is authoritative parenting?
This term refers to the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.
What is acculturation?
Children often learn gender roles during this stage of socialization.
What is early childhood (preschool years)?
This form of child maltreatment involves rejecting, isolating, or ignoring a child, leading to emotional harm.
What is emotional or psychological abuse?