The gradual process through which babies become adults.
a.) Physical growth of the body
b.) development
c.) individual life cycle
What is....Development
Smallest unit of life that is able to reproduce itself.
a.) ovary
b.) cell
c.) atom
What is...cell
First stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory in which infants decide to form or not form relationships.
a.) trust vs. mistrust
b.)initiative vs. guilt
c.) intimacy vs. isolation
What is....trust vs. mistrust
From birth to one year of age, a child's brain______ in size.
a.) triples
b.) doubles
What is....doubles
What age walks on tiptoes, pedals a tricycle, and opens and closes twistable lids.
a.) age 5
b.) toddler
c.) age 5
Type of play where the children use their fine-motor skills.
a.) language-logic play
b.) imitative-imaginative play
c.) manipulative-constructive play
What is...manipulative-constructive play
This program is designed to help infants and toddlers with development with developmental delays for birth to age 2 or 3 years old depending on where you live.
a.) toddler intervention
b.) late intervention
c.) early intervention
What is....early intervention
Sections of the DNA molecule found in a person's cells that determine his or her individual traits.
What are.....Genes
Process through which a new human prepares to enter the world.
a.) conception
b.) pregnancy
c.) period of gestation
What is....pregnancy
Infants do not have the ______ or saliva needed to digest solid foods before the age of six months.
a.) teeth
b.) enzymes
c.) hand-coordination
What are....enzymes
Children need vegetables, fruit, dairy, proteins, and_____ for their nutritional needs.
a.) grains
b.) oils
c.) juice
What are....grains
Preschooler's belief that everyone thinks in the same way and has the same ideas as he or she does.
a.) intuitive substage
b.) egocentrism
c.) transductive reasoning
What is...egocentrism
Stage of play where two or more children share common goals and play complementary roles.
a.) solitary play
b.) parallel play
c.) cooperative play
What is....cooperative play
These behaviors are displayed appropriately in accordance with milestones.
a.) model behaviors
b.) age inappropriate behaviors
c.) age appropriate behaviors
What are....age appropriate behaviors
Maslow's Hierarchy of Human needs consist of Esteem, Love and Acceptance, Security, Physical Needs and what other component?
b.)children's rights
c.) self-actualization
What is.... Self-Actualization
Defect caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome.
a.) genetic disorder
b.) chromosomal disorder
c.) down syndrome
What is....genetic disorder
Condition in which the a baby dies while sleeping with no cause or warning.
a.) stillbirth
b.) SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
c.) miscarriage
What is....SIDS
This person felt teaching children is a basic soci-cultural activity and believed teachers should help the child learn by scaffolding.
a.) Piaget
b.) Vygotsky
Who is....Vygotsky
Arranging objects in order by the increasing or decreasing magnitude of one of the object's attributes such as length or color.
a.) classifying
b.) seriation
c.) spatial concepts
What is.....seriation
Measures taken to keep children well.
a.) preventative care care
b.) well-child checkups
c.) health screenings
What is....preventative health care
The impact of the environment through the five senses.
a.) imperceptive stimulation
b.) proximal development
c.) sensory stimulation
What is....sensory stimulation
Knowledge about "facts"
a.)implicit knowledge
b.) explicit knowledge
c.) scientific knowledge
What is.... Explicit knowledge
Factors that affect an unborn baby include alcohol, smoking, genetic disorders, and.....
a.) sleep
b.) medication
c.) birth
What is....medication
Reactions such as rashes, loose or watery stools due to food.
a.) intolerance
b.) allergy
c.) food poisoning
What is...intolerance
Toddlers begin to pronounce words that can be understood by others, this is known as.....
a.) articulation
b.) communication
c.) word meanings
What is.....articulation
The act of talking to yourself.
a.) collective monologue
b.) monologue
c.) egocentric speech
What is....monologue
These are essential for the children to have before they can be enrolled into school.
a.) dental forms
b.) vaccinations
c.) well-child checkups
What are....vaccinations
This form of food for a baby is manufactured with the same nutrients a mother's milk produces.
a.) breast milk
b.) formula
c.) cow milk
What is.... formula
What life skill of Galinsky consists of seeing how things are the same or different and determining how bits of knowledge relate to each other?
a.)focus and self-control
b.) taking on challenges
c.) making connections
What is...making connections
Permanently unable to conceive a child.
a.) sterile
b.) infertile
c.) stillbirth
What is...sterile
Heat, light, sound, texture:
a.) elements
b.) stimuli
c.) agents
What is....stimuli
A type of question that requires a descriptive response for an aid to conversation.
a.) closed-ended question
b.) open-ended question
c.) intonation
What is....open-ended question
b.) age 3
c.) age 2
What is.... age 4
The dependency on a substance, such as alcohol or drugs, and causes a pattern of destructive behaviors that negatively affect children.
a.) poverty
b.) addiction
c.)financial strain
What is...addiction
Cognitive, Social-Emotional, Motor, Self-Help, Communication.
a.) skills of development
b.) milestones of development
c.) areas of child development
What are....area of Child Development
A way of life within a group that includes language, beliefs, attitudes, values,rituals, and skills, greatly affects a family's life.
a.) cultural diversity
b.) culture
c.) influence
What is....Culture
Loss of the fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
a.) miscarriage
b.) stillbirth
c.) infertility
What is...stillbirth
Process of making sense out of sensory stimuli?
a.) implicit memory
b.) perception
c.) perceptual learning
What is....perceptual learning
This is a child's ability to understand their own character or feelings.
a.) self-perception
b.) self-awareness
c.) self-analysis
What is.... self-awareness
Ability to use symbols to represent objects, actions, or events from a person's world of experiences.
a.) symbolic thought
b.) mental images
c.) drawing
What is...symbolic thought
Type of neglect where the child is not being taught right from wrong in terms of general social expectations.
a.) educational neglect
b.) emotional neglect
c.) moral neglect
What is....moral neglect.
This is a condition in which a child fails to grow at a healthy rate.
a.) growth rate
b.) failure to thrive
c.) emotional failure
What is....failure to thrive
Family Type?: Father, mother, biological child or children who live together.
a.) single-parent family
b.) nuclear family
c.) step-families
What is....Nuclear Family
Refusal to engage in a sexual relationship.
a.) virginity
b.) abstinence
c.) celibacy
What is...abstinence
What is the first stage in Piaget's congitive-development theory?
a.) pre-operational stage
b.) sensorimotor-stage
c.) formal operational stage
What is.... sensorimotor stage
Doing this can help toddlers develop their language and literacy skills.
What is....reading
The process by which the body becomes capable of reproduction.
a.) puberty
b.) maturation
c.) growth spurt
What is...puberty
Special needs children exhibit this type of development.
a.) atypical development
b.) typical development
c.) child development
What is....atypical development
Physical, Intellectual and social-emotional tasks children learn to accomplish by a certain age.
a.) child development
b.) developmental milestones
c.) the Piaget Cognitive Theory
What are...developmental milestones
A person who is legally appointed by the court to take responsibility for a child in the event of a death or absence.
a.) parent
b.) guardian
c.) grandparent
What is....guardian
Risks of teen sexual activity: teen pregnancy, STI's.....
a.) lack of medical care
b.) embarrassment
c.) loss of friends
What is...lack of medical care
A baby's agenda includes developing motor skills, understanding how objects work and.....
a.) learning ways to interact with each other
b.) sleeping
c.) eating
What is... learning ways to interact with each other
What type of skill is this toddler exhibiting in the picture?
a.) gross motor skills
b.) fine motor skills
c.) intellectual skills
What are.... fine motor skills
Ongoing intake of more calories than is needed for good health.
a.) undernutrition
b.) overnutrition
c.) malnutrition
What is....overnutrition
Pattern of challenges that surfaces in a person's behavior.
a.) behavior disorder
b.) learning disorder
c.) anxiety disorder
What is...behavior disorder
This technique can help children learn the same material and meet the same expectation as other children in their class.
a.) accommodation
b.) modification
c.) settlement
What is...accommodation
The three aspects of Parenting:
a.) knowledge, maturity, relationships
b.) bathe, feed, love
c.) management, resources, care
What is... knowledge, maturity, and relationships
Law that protects the rights of pregnant women who work.
a.) PDA
b.) IDEA
c.) FMLA
What is....PDA (Pregnancy Discrimination Act)
The act of putting an object on a shelf or trying to crawl behind a couch.
a.) memory activities
b.) language activities
c.) problem solving activities
What are.....problem-solving activites
When babies needs are met their environments are consistent and they develop what type of attachments to their caregivers?
a.) focused
b.) anxious-avoidant
What is....focused
a.) concrete operational stage
b.) formal operational stage
c.) sensorimotor stage
What is....concrete operational stage
In-home care, family care program, center-based child care and preschools.
a.) types of early childhood education programs
b.) public programs
c.) private programs
What are...types of early childhood education programs
This is the level at which a child can learn with assistance.
a.) the zone of proximal development
b.) the zone of assisted development
c.) the zone of emotional development
What is....The zone of proximal development
Parenting Styles: does the children's projects, resolves children conflicts, constant supervision of all activities.
a.) over parenting
b.) authoritarian
c.) authoritative
What is.....over parenting
Process that moves the the baby out of the mother's body.
a.) labor
b.) prenatal care
c.) birth
What is....labor
Working together of muscles to form movements such as walking.
a.) sensory stimulation
b.) coordination
c.) communication
What is...coordination
Toddlers usually break down into one of these
a.) anxiety
b.) temper tantrum
c.) fear
The many ways that children learn are reflected in this theory.
a.) Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
b.) Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory
c.) Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory
What is....Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Program that provides educational,health,nutritional, social, and other services to low-income families.
a.) Preschool programs
b.) Head Start programs
c.) Universal Preschool programs
What are... Head Start programs
Intellectual functions people use to manage themselves and resources to achieve goals.
a.) memory functions
b.) executive functions
c.) self-regulation functions
What are....executive functions
The use of methods and techniques to teach children self-control.
a.) guidance
b.) discipline
c.) nurturance
What is.....discipline
Type of Birth
a.) Lamaze method
b.) natural childbirth
c.) Delivery with drugs
What is....natural childbirth
Knowledge that people, objects, and places still exist even when they are no longer seen, felt, or heard.
a.) object permanence
b.) object concept
c.) object identity
What is....object permanence
Type of attachment where the parent responds to the child's need but not promptly, and toddler show no distress upon separations.
a.) ambivalent
b.) avoidant
c.) disorganized
What is...avoidant
By eight years of age, most children have mastered this skill that deals with all the sounds in their spoken language.
a.) communication
b.) articulation
c.) code-switch
What is....articulation
a.) abilities
b.) aptitudes
c.) categories
What are....aptitudes
Physical, Emotional, Mental and Verbal are all types of this developmental factor.
a.) memory
b.) abuse
c.) stress
What is....abuse
Corporal punishment or deny privileges.
a.) love withdrawal
b.) power assertion
c.) induction
What is....power assertion
Delivered about 5-10 minutes after child.
What is...Placenta
Parents and caregivers need to provide this to help babies articulate sounds.
a.) quality time
b.) face time
c.) parentese
What is......face time
A form of self-governance in which the toddler will seek to do their own will.
a.) self-esteem
b.) autonomy
c.) self-awareness
What is...autonomy
Activities beyond academic subjects that help children develop intellectually.
a.) after-school programs
b.) enrichment activities
c.) special lessons and activities
What are....enrichment activities
c.) ACEI
What is....NAEYC
This influence includes genetics, nutrition, and gender identification.
a.) external factors
b.) unique factors
c.) biological factors
What are....biological factors