What are the 4 types of Development?
A Mandated Reporter by definition is...
People who are required by law to report maltreatment
When are hereditary traits determined?
At conception
Which prenatal test uses sound waves to make a video image of an unborn baby
What is Object Permanence?
The understanding that objects continue to exist when they cannot be seen.
Give an example of something that is affected by both heredity and environment.
General health of the baby
Personality traits of the child
What is the goal of discipline?
To teach self-control
Name 2 Assistive Reproductive Techniques.
Artificial Insemination
What is the person called that is not a doctor but is trained to assist women in childbirth.
What is separation anxiety?
When a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents.
What skills are needed for individuals wanting to be educators?
Communication Skills
Relationship Skills
Leadership Skills
Pregnant teens are at risk for which medical condition
Preeclampsia or Toxemia
Identify the part of the female body where conception occurs.
Fallopian tube
Which vitamin or mineral is most vital to normal spinal development in a fetus?
Folic Acid
What does the Apgar Test measure?
Physical assessment that tests heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color of baby.
This theorist created the "Operant Conditioning Theory" which talks about positive and negative reinforcement
B.F Skinner
What family is formed when a single parent marries another person, who may or may not have children.
A blended family
What is the difference between identical twins and fraternal twins?
Identical twins - One fertilized egg splits and develops into two babies with exactly the same genetic information.
Fraternal twins - two eggs are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children.
During which stage of prenatal development does the zygote travel down the Fallopian tube and implant into the uterus?
Germinal Stage
What is a protective waxy substance that covers a newborn at birth?
This theorist created the parenting styles
Diana Baumrind
List the stages of the Family Life Cycle in order.
Couple Stage
Expanding Stage
Developing Stage
Launching Stage
Middle Stage
Retirement Stage
What are the 4 types of contraceptives and give an example of each contraceptive.
Barrier - Condom, Sponge
Surgical - Vasectomy, Tubal Ligation
Natural - Abstinence, Withdrawal, Family Planning
Chemical - Pill, Shot, IUD, etc.
What happens in each stage of labor?
Stage 1 - Dilation of Cervix
Stage 2 - Expulsion of Baby
Stage 3 - Expulsion of Afterbirth
List Piaget's stage of learning that focuses on Preschool aged children.
Preoperational Stage 2-7 years old