True or False: Holding, touching, talking and playing are considered forms of spoiling an infant?
True or False: Before a child has mastered expressive language, they have begun to develop receptive language?
True or False: Dramatic play can not help preschoolers express their emotions?
True or False: Early School Aged children should learn to be collaborative with one another?
What muscles do babies first learn to actively control?
They first learn to actively control their heads and face.
For language development if a child is able to speak using single words, adults should use_________ phrases.
By talking to preschoolers in simple, honest terms, we can help them _______ and _______ with events.
understand and deal
As school-agers become more aware of the world around them, they want to know a _________ answer to every puzzling incident.
Hearing keys rattle means someone is leaving, being placed in a stroller means going for a walk, and hearing the rattling of plastic means getting a snack. These are all examples of what kind of conditioning?
Classical Conditioning
How long is it recommended that a mother breastfeed her newborn?
6 months
Between ____ and ____ years of age, children need to learn how to be friends and how to have friends.
3 and 5
At what age does puberty typically begin for girls?
About 10 years old. Some may start as early as 8.
Provide two examples of safe sleeping guidelines parents should follow if they allow their infant to sleep in their bed.
Babies should sleep on their backs.
Babies should not come into contact with soft surfaces or loose covers.
Adults should not fall asleep with infants while on a lounge chair or sofa.
The sides or edge of the bed should not present entrapment or a fall risk.
The bed should not also be shared with other siblings or pets.
The adults should not smoke or use substances such as alcohol or drugs.
By what age does a toddler's speech start sounding much like our own?
By the age of 3
According to Jean Piaget what theory of development are preschoolers in?
A preadolescent may fall prey to what kind of bullying?
Cyber Bullying
How do authoritarian adults chose to communicate?
They chose to communicate through commands.
At what age do toddlers become wary about images in the mirror?
13-24 months of age
What is the definition of mirroring?
Reflecting the feelings expressed by another by restating back what you perceived that person to say and feel.
Erickson identified the emotional crisis of school-age children as?
Industry versus Inferiority