A couple just got married and is setting into their home.
What is the Beginning stage?
This type of family goes through a legal process to permanently add a child to their family.
A mothers nutrition and exposer to harmful substances like alcohol and drugs has influences in this stage.
Prenatal stage
this parenting style helps children gain independence but also provides support
in this stage parents might worry about complications and feel emotionally overwhelmed. they might sit down and start a budget to help.
image making stage
Parents welcome a new baby into their home.
What is Parental Stage 1?
Phil and Claire are this type of family
child starts to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills and positive peer interactions.
School age
This parenting type often lacks support for their children, they only give the basic needs.
it is important to set clear rules during this stage as 2-5 year need guidance.
Authority stage
Couple stops working full time and adjust to more free time.
What is Retirement.
This type of family is when two families join together. Mom with 2 kids marries a dad with one kid.
Bill touched the block tower and it fell, he saw them fall and said uh oh. Then he kept building and knocking them down this is an example of what stage?
toddler stage
this parenting type gives freedom to their child which can create issues with them following rules.
in this stage children state to think more logically and understand how things work.
This is the launching stage, child leaves for college or to live alone.
Parental stage 3
what is the difference between a foster family and adoptive family?
Adoptive family is permanent when foster family isn't always there is a chance their parents could regain custody.
Baby starts to walk.
infancy stage
a child who has been raised with this style might struggle making decisions later in life due to parents making most choices for them.
In this stage children want to be independent but still need support from family and friends.
the is the developmental stage, parents work to meet child's needs as they continue to grow.
Parental stage 2
My grandma moved in with me to help my mom take care of everyone.
Jackie started playing with the blocks she passes them to Judy. She tells her teacher it makes Judy happy when i share. this is and example of what stage.
Preschool stage
what is the difference between Authoritative and Authoritarian?
Authoritative use reason with rules to explain to child and Authoritarian demand obedience with our discussion?
the nurturing stage is especially important for children in what age?
birth to age 2