Basic Principles
Factors that Affect Developmental Outcomes
Developmental Domains
Impact of Abuse and Neglect
Earlier developmental tasks lay the foundation for more complex tasks.
What is development is cumulative?
Norms, beliefs, values and standards of behaviour that regulate a child's life.
What is social/cultural environment?
Includes the child's interaction with others.
What is social domain?
Challenges/strategies in getting full attention of 4-year-old child-in-care to interview the child.
What is use child-size furniture? What is get on the floor to speak to child? What is know their schedule (naps, meals, etc.)? What is ensure bathroom breaks if needed during interview?
Not had opportunity to develop/master age-appropriate skills, lack support for structured activities, not participate, proper food - hygiene.
What is impacts of abuse/neglect on physical domain?
Development evolves ina predictable defined direction.
What is development is directional?
Nature of the child's interpersonal relationships and degree of nurturance.
What is emotional environment?
Consists of the development of the body structure.
What is physical domain?
Cognitive challenges/strategies in interviewing 4-year-old child-in-care (egocentric thinking, no understanding of time, cannot give sequential narration, inability to represent themselves in drawings, unclear speech, suggestibility and memory.)
What is play with child and assess developmental level? What is keep checking in to ensure comprehension of what is being said - do not asume you understand?
Difficulty with structure of school, frequent emotional outbursts, unable to sit, problem-solving skills not developed, emotional energies are used to worry about home, etc., drop out of school.
What is impacts of abuse and neglect on cognitive domain?
Development begins before conception and continues until death.
What is development is ongoing?
Degree and type of stimulation available to the child.
What is learning environment?
Includes the development of personal traits and characteristics.
What is emotional domain?
Social challenges/strategies in interviewing a 4-year-old child-in-care (desire to please adults, cultural taboos against talking about things.)
What is be aware of your body language? What is talk with adult who accompanied child - child may need permission to talk to you? What is materials to engage child? What is play with child? What is be conscious of boundaries?
Lack confidence, hypersensitive, difficulties making friends, may attempt to control, bully, blame others, etc., suspicious of adults.
What are the impacts of abuse and neglect on social domain?
Tasks or activities emerge at predictable times.
What is development involves stages?
Chemical balance of mother's body.
What is pre-natal environment?
Includes thinking, perception, and reasoning.
What is cognitive domain?
Emotional challenges/strategies in interviewing a 4-year-old child-in-care (fearful or shy child, child may be embarrassed.)
What is build rapport - have time? What is maintain a friendly, supportive yet neutral approach? What is be aware of cultural variations? What is allow support of a trusted adult?
Deprivation of unconditional acceptance/nurturance which communicated self-worth and trust development, always alert to danger, severe damage to self-esteem, extremes of emotion.
What are impacts of abuse and neglect on emotional domain?
Development is not static - it involves continuous change.
What is development is dynamic?
Quality of air, nutritious value of food, hazards in the home.
What is physical environment?
Actions that involve the large muscles of the body such as standing, sitting, walking and running
What are gross motor skills?
Challenges/strategies in working with teens.
What is talk with teens in comfortable environments? What is be patient with teens? What is directly involve teens in problem-solving and case-planning? What is do not condescend or patronize teens? What is do not take obnoxious, disrespectful behaviour personally? What is do not expect teens to develop deep relationships with foster parents? What is do not get caught up with the needs of the foster parent to the detriment of the youth? What is consider families of friends, coaches, teachers, etc. as placement possibilities for teens?
Term used to describe the dual problem of children's exposure to traumatic events and the impact of the exposure on immediate and long-term outcomes.
What is complex trauma?