Child & Infant CPR
Using an AED
General First Aid
Breathing/Choking Emergencies

What is the most important thing you can do in a life-threatening emergency?

Call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number


What is the cycle of chest compressions to breaths for children and infants?

30 chest compressions and 2 breaths


The AED is analyzing, it is important to make sure of what?

No one is touching the victim


A child burned their hand on the stove, what should you do to care for the child?

Put their hand under clean, cool running water for at least 10 minutes or more


A child is having an asthma attack. What should you do if the child does not have their quick-relief meidcation?

Call 9-1-1 and monitor their breathing/responsiveness


What are the 3 important steps to follow in any emergency?

Check - Call - Care


What technique is recommended when giving chest compressions to an infant?

Encircling thumbs technique


If AED pads risk touching each other on a small child, where should you place them?

One on the front and one on the back of the child


If you suspect an infant is experiencing heat stroke, what is the preferred thing you should do after calling 9-1-1?

Immerse the infant up to their neck in cold water


Where should you position your fist when giving abdominal thrusts to a responsive choking child?

In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel


Name 3 things that might alert you that an emergency exists, even if you don't see someone hurt.

Unusual sights, smells, touch, sounds


When giving CPR, what should you do if your first breath does not go through?

Re-tilt the head and try again


For a child over 8 years old or 55lbs, where should the AED pads normally be placed?

Upper right and lower left side of the chest


Where should you place a tourniquet on a limb of a child who is experiencing life-threatening bleeding?

2 to 3 inches above the wound


What is the most important reason to call 9-1-1 if a child were exposed to an allergen and began having a reaction to it?

They may have trouble breathing or stop all together


How many seconds should you check for responsiveness, breathing, or life-threatening conditions?

No more than 5 to 10 seconds


At what rate should you be performing chest compressions at on a child?

100 to 120 beats per minute


What is the benefit of early CPR and early Defibrillation when a child or infant is in cardiac arrest?

It gives the person the best chance for survival


A child is having a Diabetic emergency and requests sugar. They area awake, and can chew and swallow. How much sugar should you give them? 

15 grams


If a choking child were to go unconscious while you were giving care, what would you do after placing them on a hard flat surface.

Begin chest compressions

What does SAM stand for?

Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications and Medical conditions


How deep should you compress the chest when giving chest compressions to a child?

about 2 inches


After shocking the victim, you should resume compressions and continue CPR until what? Name 2 reasons to stop CPR.

You notice obvious signs of life; The AED prompts you to analyze again; EMS arrive and take over care; You are too tired to continue; Scene becomes unsafe


Name 3 common symptoms of a concussion.

Losing consciousness; Confusion; Mechanism of injury; Stumbling; Memory loss; Nausea or vomiting; Speech problems; Visible bumps/bruises; Headache; Sensitivity to light or sounds


When caring for a responsive choking infant how do you perform chest thrusts?

Use 2 fingers in the center of the chest
