What is the minimum age to start working in the US
14 Years old
What is the latest a 14-15 year old can work on a school day
what is the most a 14-15 year old can work (during a school week)
18 hours
what is the most a 16-17 year old can work in a week
50 hours
This is required for all minors under the age of 16 to work.
A workers permit
what is the latest a 14-15 year old can work (in general)
what is the most days in a row a 16-17 year old can work
6 days
How many hours can a 16-17 year old work on a school day
6 hours
What is the most days in a row a 14-15 year old can work
what is the most a 14-15 year old can work in 1 day
8 hours
what is the earliest a 16-17 year old can work (not during school)
during school vacation or a teacher workshop day how many hours can a 16-17 year old work
No more then 10
How many workers permits are minors allowed during the school year.
1 workers permit
what is the most a 14-15 year old can work in a week
40 hours
what is the latest a 16-17 year old can work (no school the next day)
Midnight / 12am
On a Friday how many hours can a 16-17 year old work
8 hours
What is the earliest a 14-15 year old can start work
what is the most a 14-15 year old can work on a school day
3 hours
what is the most a 16-17 year old can work in one day
10 hours
how many hours can a 16-17 year old work a week while school is in session
no more then 24