Who does your body belong to?
Who are some adults in your life who help keep you safe?
Caregiver, Mom, Dad, Sister, Teacher.....
It's adults' job to help keep you .........when someone break the Private Body Parts Rule.
When is it appropriate to send pictures of ourselves through the internet?
When we have permission or guidance from our guardians.
What are the appropriate ways to show your feelings?
Body language, Words, Tears, Coping strategies, etc
What is an example of a safe touch that you may not want?
Holding hands, tickling, kissing
Who is in charge of your safety when there are no adults around?
You're in Charge of your own safety
Private body parts are parts of your body covered by your ........
Bathing suit. Undergarments
Is it your fault if someone break the Private Body Parts Rule?
What are the three stress responses?
Fight, Flight, and Freeze
Kicking, punching, and biting are examples of?
Unsafe touches
What are the Big Three RS when it comes to ways to stay safe?
Why is it important to have a parent or another trusted person in the Dr office with you as a child?
To make sure you are safe, comfortable, to ask questions, etc.....
True or False:
I am in charge of my own self.
Changing your , can help you change your emotions and behavior
What do you call touches that are safe but you don't want or like?
Unwanted touches
What do you call the conversation within yourself that helps you make good choices?
What can you say to a parent if they are in the Dr room with you and you are embarrassed to have them in the room?
Can you please turn around why the Dr is looking or touching my private parts.
You met someone online and they seem nice. Should you agree to meet with them? Why
What does HBV Look Try DO Stand for?
Help each other
Be in charge of your body
Value everyone's learning
Look and Listen
Try your best
Do the right thing even when no one is looking
A friend of yours is tickling you and it starts off with you laughing BUT you become uncomfortable after awhile. What do you tell them?
Please stop now, I don't like this anymore!!!
What do you need to do before you can recognize a situation is not safe?
Stop and Think
State the entire The Private Body Part Rule:
Private body parts are private. No one should ever:
1. Touch yours, except fa doctor or nurse, or caregiver.
2. Ask to see yours, except a doctor or nurse
3. Make you look at his or hers, or anyone else's
AND never touch anyone else's.
You are texting with a friend and they send you a naked picture of themselves and asked for you to send them one.... Using Ways to Stay Safe, what do you do next?
Recognize, refused, and report to an adult.
Give at least 4 of the 8 never nevers?
1. Never-never touch a gun.
2. Never-never play with fire.
3. Never-never go on wheels without a helmet.
4. Never-never dive right in. Ask before you get wet.
5. Never-never use sharp tools alone.
6. Never-never pet a dog without asking your grownup.
7. Check for traffic both ways before you cross the street.
8. Never-never ride in cars unless you're buckled up.