Sign/Out Procedures
Behavior Management
Customer Service
Who is in charge of Iddy Biddy sports
Who is Michael Mrkvicka
True or False:Children do not have to be members to use child watch and the Epicenter
What is false
When you have checked their diaper and tried to give them a bottle or pacifier and they have been crying for over 10 minutes.
What is when is it time to get the parent of a crying infant or toddler
If you're working the front desk this is what you do first
What is smile and say their name or hi
This is how many children you should take with you to the bathroom.
What is at least 2
Who is the director of Aquatics
Who is Anne Hossenlopp
You use this to write down the information of each child that enters child watch.
What is Sign in sheet.
A 3rd grader in the Epicenter is kicking balls too hard and almost hit another child in the face. You have told him to stop and explained why he should stop. He does it again. This is what you would do next.
What is have the child take a break or time out
You and the other staff in child watch are busy working with kids. A new family walks in and looks a little confused about what to do or where to put their belongings. Without leaving the children this is what you could do..
What is smile and say hi. Tell them where to put their things and invite the children to come play with you and the kids your playing with.
A school age child has to go to the bathroom and there is a member or staff in the bathroom. This is what you should do.
What is go in the bathroom with them.
Who is the Executive director of the branch
Who is Holly Malley
You need this before you let an adult take a child from your care.
What is sign out slip.
A child is not listening and you have already tried to have the child take a break. The child is being disrespectful to the staff and walks out of the room without a staff.
What is when it is time to get the child's parent.
It is slow and no children are in the child watch. A parent walks in and has question about a program the Y has. You are not sure the answer to the question, so you do this.
What is get the session handbook and help direct them to the correct answer or person to contact.
A child has come to the Y with only their boots. The mother feels horrible because she forgot the boots at home. This is their first time doing this. Can the child go in the Epicenter.
What is let them go in this one time, but they can't climb anything. The next time they do it they can't go in.
The director that oversees all family programming, preschool, child watch, birthdays....etc....
Who is Ryanne Boring
If your working the sign out desk. Who is the only adult that can pick up a child in your care.
Who is the parent listed on the sign in/out sheet.
A staff member went to get the parent of a child that was not listening and now the parent is upset. Who should the parent speak to.
What is lead staff or director on duty.
You have a child in your care and they are having the best time. The parent comes to pick up their children and you tell the this
What is talk to the parent about the time they had in your care.
A small child (preschool age or younger) has to go to the bathroom. What are the steps to take this child to the bathroom.
What is take another child or staff with you. Never be alone with a child. Actually go in the bathroom with these children.
This person is the Director of youth development and oversees all youth programming including child watch, sports, preschool and camp..
Who is Terrence McElduff
The computer at the child watch desk is used for this
What is checking to make sure they are members
This is the best way to speak to a child that is misbehaving
What is get down on their level and talk to them. NEVER raise your voice
You heard the kids in your care talk about how much they love to play gaga. They can't get enough. You heard about camp and how much they could play this game in camp. What do you do?
What is talk to the parents about camp and who they can contact
True or False: You work until 6pm and it is you and another staff in the Epicenter. It is now 6pm and the next staff has not come in the epicenter yet. That's ok though you can just leave the other staff alone with the 20 kids in child watch.
What is false! Wait for the next staff to come and "tap out"