Staff Duties

What should I do if a child falls and needs an ice pack?

Use the walkie talkie to call for someone to bring it to the room. 

While you are waiting for the ice pack if the injury needs cleaned please do that. Once you get the icepack the supervisor will decide if the injury needs further medical attention. 

Make sure to fill out a accident report on ProCare


If you are scheduled to be at work at 7:30a.m.  What time should you arrive at work?

Every staff is to be in their scheduled classroom and ready to work at their assigned time


What are the State ratios for each room? 

Front Infant Room

Back Infant Room

Younger Toddler Room 

Older Toddler Room  

2&3 Year Old Room

3 Year Old Room

4&5 Year Old Room 

Front Infant Room - 4:1

Back Infant Room - 4:1

Younger Toddler Room - 4:1

Older Toddler Room - 7:1 

2 & 3 Year Old Room - 10:1 & or 7:1

3 Year Old Room - 10:1

4 & 5 Year Old Room - 12:1 


What is the main thing for staff

Showing up to work on their scheduled days and times

Following all the rules

Wanting to be here 


When washing hands, how long should children and adults rub their hands together with soap before rinsing?

What song should you sing?

20 seconds

Wash Wash Wash Your Hands Wash the Germs Away


How often and when should you do a name to face count?

At the start of your day

During ALL transitions

Each time you leave the classroom & when you return to the classroom

Every hour or more


If you need to take time off work what is the procedure

Fill out a time off request slip and turn it in at least 2 weeks before the day you need off


What are the required trainings and documents that staff need to renew? 

Every year?

Every two years?

Every three years?

Every four years?

Universal Precautions - Every Year

CPR & First Aide - Every Two Years

Background Checks - Every Two Years

Physical Form - Every Three Years

Mandatory Child Abuse - Every Three Years

Finger Prints - Every Four Years


What is the role of the staff in the classroom?

Following the classroom schedule / activities

Active Supervision / Helping with daily duties

Helping control the children when lead teacher is teaching - circle time

Participating in group times with the lead teacher

Interacting & Playing with the children

Not hoovering over the other staff (only takes 1 to change diapers)

Having a positive attitude towards everyone

No Screaming at the children - calm voices


How often should toys be cleaned?

How should toys be cleaned?

Each center once a week

Toys cleaned with sanitizer and bigger toys need wiped down with Clorox wipes as well as baskets


What position should infants birth to 12 months be placed in when sleeping?

What is allowed in the crib with the baby?

How often should you check on a sleeping baby?

On their Back

Nothing except a pacifier if needed

At least every 15 minutes


If you can not make it in for your shift how soon should you let management know so a replacement can be contacted?

As soon as possible


What are all the different centers in a classroom?

Block Center            Sand/Water - Sensory Table

Dramatic Play/Kitchen    Science/Discovery Center

Table Toys                 Math Center

Library                      Literacy Center

Art Center                 Writing Center


What is the Lead Teachers Role?

Running the classroom

Planning the schedule / curriculum / activities

Making sure things are getting done correctly

Managing the other staff in the room

Making sure the duties are getting done correctly

Taking care of any problems within the room - if can't then talk to management


List the proper diapering sequence?

What is the MOST important thing to do while the child is on the changing table?

Place Child on the table

Grab Supplies - Diapers, Wipes, Cream, Gloves

Put Gloves on and take child's clothes off

Remove the diaper, Clean the area getting it all off

Put dirty diaper in the trash can

Place clean diaper under the child

Put cream on the child if needed

Remove gloves          Fasten the diaper

Put child's clothes back on 

Wash child's hands   Place child on the floor

Put supplies away      Clean changing table

Wash your hands      

ALAWYS keep a hand on the child - Never turn your back from them


Aside from the parent or guardian, to whom may staff members properly release a child to ?

Any person on the child's pick-up list or Person the parent has noted that can pick the child up.

They must provide their ID.


What do you have to do to receive the monthly attendance bonus?

Arrive on time and ready to work for all your scheduled shifts for the whole month.  

No calling in, asking to come in late, or asking to leave early.


How often should children be offered their water

When ever they would like them or at least every hour

During & After outside time / After naptime

When ever you take a drink


What are the opening duties?

Get Children from Infant Room

Grab Walkie & Tablet (Turn On)

Do Name to Face             Close Classroom Door

Welcome the children as they arrive

Put Trash Bags in Cans       Fill the soap bottles

Make Beds if Needed

Check kids bags 


When should staff and children wash their hands?

When entering classroom / coming in from outside

After restroom / diapers

Before & After all meals

After messy activities / picking their nose

Touching their privates / blowing their nose


How far apart should cots be?

How far apart should cribs be?

What is the age a child can be on a cot?

What age is allowed a pillow and what age is allowed a blanket?

Should blankets ever be placed over a child's face

2 ft apart

2 ft apart / or heads facing the opposite end

Child has to be over 1 yr. old

2 yrs old for pillow

1 yr old for blanket - no blankets in cribs no matter the age


How do we all need to treat everyone kids included

Treat other staff how you want to be treated

Treat the kids how you would want your kids treated and taken care of

Respect goes along way

No-one is perfect

Watch your tone of voice


What are the requirements in the classroom daily schedules?

Quite & Active Activities

Mealtimes/Bottles                Water Breaks

Outdoor Times               Large Group/Small Group

Nap/Rest Times                  Learning Time 

Bathroom/Diaper Changing Time


What are the closing duties for each classroom?

Take out trash                 Vacuum carpets 

Pick Up Toys                    Shut Windows

Open Bathroom Door      Lock outside Door

Tablet & Walkie taken up front to counter

Bring Water Bottles to Kitchen

Take Laundry to Laundry Room

Lights & Music turned off


What are the meal duties

Spray tables with soap & water wipe off

Sanitize tables

When serving food gloves must be worn

Sit at the tables and supervise the children while they eat - never leave children unattended

Log meal in ProCare and how much they ate

Offer seconds if available - NO RUSHING

Make sure the kids are getting enough to drink

Dump plates and stack them nicely on the cart

Make sure the kids are going to the sink to wash hand and face not running around - 1 staff at sink helping 

Change their clothes if need - check diapers before putting them down for nap

Clean up the meals after the kids are down for nap

Make sure all tables and chairs are getting cleaned properly 

Shake out the bibs and washcloths and put in the bucket on the cart
