I love to go to the _________to make sand castles.
the beach
I like to read a lot and see bright colors.
Collect comic books
This pet is very slow
Here I can play on the grass with my family and see different families together.
The park
I used to play it with my friends at home after school on my tv.
play video games
This pet was my best friend, it always ran with me.
A dog
My mom takes me here to eat popcorns and seat for a long time.
Movie theater
When I was bored, I used to seat on my sofa and watch _________________.
watch cartoons
This pet is very flexible and scary.
I can use different games with my friends or family. There are always a bunch of lights and colors.
amusement park
I used to be very good at ___________ but I hurt my knee and stopped it.
Playing soccer
It is a great pet, sometimes they live more than 7 lives.